Okay. I will admit it.
As a semi bored permanently unemployed engineer, the subject of alternative fuel does peek my interest (more so than say .. american idol or professional sports). This is particularly true with oil racing north of 125$ and no end of greed in sight.
What I find through research is that there are basicaly two types of fuels that the average schmuck like me is “allowed” to produce; Ethanol and Biodeisel.
Producing Biodeisel is a hoot because it requires the use and purchase of vegetable oils, which as you guessed can not be home made and sell for more than actual deisel.
Ethanol is even more amusing.
It is estimated that if I put that “spare acre” to use growing corn for fuel, I could then produce, at a maximum, around 200 gallons of fuel from my harvest.
Hmm .. given that math, I will take the acre of corn over the fuel ..
It is interesting that the governments of the world chose the other option and are now powering war planes and hummers with the food that should be fueling the starving masses.
Anyhow .. this brings me to the subject of the “dissalowed” fuel … hydrogen.
Is it true that various inventions and inventors have been umm … dissapearing with regularity?
Is this technology (widely written about on the net) worth personaly persuing or is it a dead end or worse still, will it upset the powers that be?