So Adrian Walker, a working man like most of us, with a good job he wants to keep, wanted to write a nice column about a good summer jobs program that can always need more help and $$.
Columns like this can go along way in giving a good program a little financial boost when it needs it most. Like all these programs it has various fund raising events and Adrian show cased one.
Here’s the rub:
The column starts out with a quote from Red Sox main man Larry Lucchino. And the fundraiser? Why something on the field of course which the Sox have graciously made available. Aren’t they awesome?
You know the Red Sox, right?
The team that has doubled the size of its front office staff yet only two African Americans are on the staff of 80+. They were hired years before Larry Lucchino took command.
The team that historically has been an icon of Boston racism.
The team owned by, among others, the New York Times Corp. which also owns the Globe which happens to employ our metro columnist Adrian.
The same New York Times that ordered the Boston Globe publisher to reverse direction and editorialize in favor of casino gambling in Massachusetts because it would increase quarterly profits for New York Times, Inc.
I would love to see they Globe sold and the very first headline from the new publisher would be “We’re Sorry”. Followed by a confession of the casino duplicities, the red sox embarrassment, and whatever else they have been forced to do. Then of course go back to being the dinks we once knew and loved/hated. But our dinks. Before New York and Hollywood came to town.
P.S. Remeber what happened to Will McDonough?
Larry Lucchino comes to town. Will McDonough, a Globe employee, writes more than once that Larry’s a fraud.
In less then a year McDonough’s dead.
I’m just saying.
Just like News Corp, Altria, or Ben & Jerry’s.
p>The Globe doesn’t report news out of some sense of civic duty or altruism, but to make money. And if the way it makes money for its corporate parent is through advertising or through slanting news coverage to cast its corporate siblings in a favorable light, well that’s an unfortunate side-effect of capitalism.
p>Yellow Journalism has been around in one form or another for over a hundred years. It isn’t going away anytime soon.
Let’s start with a rather comprehensive Wikipedia discussion of journalism [I don’t suppose, Ernie, you consider Wikipedia part of the dread “elite”?}
p>Once upon a time, there was a difference between “journalism” and “advertising” – although newspapers were partisan, the idea that journalism was about “gathering and reporting the news” even with an axe to grind, or a slant or a partisan/party view.
p>For example, some newspapers ignored the Gettysburg Address, some quoted it, and some panned it…back in the day.
masterbating business assholes.
This laim stuff about Scott Mclellan too. It is getting a bit profane here insulting my intelligence with more of this marketing/psy-op media campaigns coming straight out of a think tank like this.