Oh for the love of Pete can’t he just stop it already! According to the Globe Patrick says casinos may live to play another day
He had the perfect out. He could let it die and move on. Instead he’s prepared to resurect the beast.
Please Governor Patrick, move on.
Please share widely!
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
invite david, Bob, and Charley up for coffee with Deval again.
peter-porcupine says
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
There maybe some hope for Ryan. He is a yute remember. Slight chance he could eb de-programmed.
eb3-fka-ernie-boch-iii says
It must be bonus time again at Choate Hall and partners must earn their keep. And mortgages have to be paid. It’s just the way it is.
p>What a shame we can’t have a Governor in favor of casino gambling on its merits and a Speaker of the House against casino gambling on its merits.
p>BTW Deval, those 100 + reps aint now gonna change their vote because sal now told them to or a new speaker told them to. It don’t work that way my friend.
p>But what is more important is that you appear like the guy that has the leg breakers telling you waht to do and given you no choice. To say you appear desperate is a huge understatement. And your opponent is sal. And look what’s been in the paers the last few weeks.
p>Oh wait. I get it. You and your team of completely lost soldiers or good ones that you do not listen to ( I don’t know) think that because Sal has bad ink and all the goings on this is the time to pounce with casino gambling again.
p>Is this the shoot the moon strategy Deval?
p>Goid I hope an Obahma administartion will be nothing like a Patrick admnistration.
p>God save the Queen
ryepower12 says
nice cut and paste…
ed-prisby says
The governor is addicted to gambling!
bob-neer says
There aren’t enough gambling counseling services available in MA. If only we legalized casinos, we’d have enough money to fund the gambling treatment centers we need.
striker57 says
eury13 says
The Governor needs to learn the art of timing. Too often he has discussed things he’s thinking about doing or looking into doing well before he is ready to follow through. As such, he ends up looking unprepared and in over his head.
p>You’d think he would have learned from his first casino experience. This time, wait until that independent study comes back so that you can unveil a proposal that based on something other than questionable estimates from a pro-casino source.
p>The Gov just doesn’t seem to realize that when he says something to the public, they expect it to be thought-out and ready to be dissected.
p>Stop thinking out loud, Gov! Keep it to yourself until you’re ready for it to be picked to pieces, turned inside out, and thrown under a microscope.
heartlanddem says
It’s scary, when such an eloquent speaker dribbles about on a such a pathetic losing cause….almost as bad as our previous school committee….damn, that is scary.
ryepower12 says
if the Speaker hasn’t had his recent troubles, no way this gets said.
heartlanddem says
Then, the motive and the timing show a lack of good judgement. There are ways to take on an opponent in politics (who just whipped your ass) that are less transparent and don’t require direct lies to the media and the public,
politicalengineer says
seems to me that threads like this just give people like Jon Keller ammo. I find it really sad that our leaders cannot think out loud, in a good faith effort to solve problems transparently. Unfortunately, Deval has a main stream media out there to contend with, not to mention his good friends at
The Fox News of the Massachusetts LeftBlue Mass Group – all subscribing to the culture of political gamesmanship that he ran a campaign to change.<
p>You know, as an engineer, when I’m trying to whip a tough problem, I get all the brains together and talk it out. That’s the only way I know how to solve a problem. I guess I’d make a bad politician. The message we’re sending to the Governor and his staff is, “no, you and your advisers need to do like Dick Cheney and keep the discussion behind closed doors. You all go ahead and get your GroupThink on.” Had Deval discussed the casino issue with this community in the first place back in September, it woulda saved him a whole lotta trouble.
p>Would everyone just please keep their eyes on the prize? We’ve got a budget deficit. Let’s work so that our government doesn’t have to keep paying for stuff with a credit card while only paying the minimum balance every month.
p>Sometimes this blog reminds me of the snooty (snotty) maitre d from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
political-inaction says
Yes, discussing the casino proposal with BMG may have “saved him a whole lotta trouble” because there is significant opposition to it. If he’d opened it up to BMG many of us would have had that “discussion” right here and told him in no uncertain terms where we stand.
p>That would be the discussion you’re looking for, right? Out in the open? Public? Isn’t that what you’re saying? Isn’t that what is happening right here? He floated it again and we’re saying again “don’t do it. let it go.”
p>Seems we’re following your prescription.
peter-porcupine says
mcrd says
A casino in Atlantic City has just filed for bankruptcy and Vegas per se has seen a significant decline in business and a prominent casino is in financial straits. BUt—king Deval, the governor who orders the rise and fall of the tides—has again declared casino’s a viable economic alternative to green industry, medical application manufacturing etc.
p>Not for nothing governor, but do you have loan sharks, leg breakers, or some other kind of strong arm guys paying you visits? Are you getting phone calls to come up with the vig, or The Big Cheese is going to pay you a visit?
p>Many years ago (40?)—the head guy on the state police got into the wise guys for a tidy sum. Seems the top cop couldn’t come up with the vig. He showed up to work one Monday morning looking like he had fallen down a three hundred stair staircase. This is the head of the state police! So—far be it for me to think that a sitting governor couldn’t be in a jam. I mean—I wouldn’t want to be keeping Jimmy Hoffa company.
p>Maybe there is room in the witness protection program?
heartlanddem says
Are fabulously paid attorneys in prestigous law firms.
jconway says
I will still reserve judgement after a full four years but Im telling my parents to take the bumperstickers off our car, I feel almost like a W supporter must feel, this guy is a Grade A moron who just keeps screwing up. Maybe he just wants to be AG and will high tail out of here? One can only hope. Biggest disappointment in my (albeit short) political life was the hopes I pinned on this guy who turned out to be a failure. And no Obama won’t be the same way since his advisors aren’t idiots like Rubin.
ryepower12 says
that’s what the Governor said when I heard him spoke a few weeks ago in Lynn. I’m really disappointed by this. I hope its the last we hear, especially given the fact that the Governor has threatened to veto Racinos in the past. He shouldn’t stoop so low as to use it as a means to get his proposal passed.
iippllyykk says
What is the result?
peabody says
p>Governor Deluxe will just never give-up.
p>Once a predator. Always a predator!
p>Was Ameriquest an aberration or the rule? Yea, Deval went in there to clean it up or clean up.
p>A mansion, a Cadillac, the drapes, etc. Only the best for His Excellency!