So Don Law, an icon to any person who grew up in this town and now is between the ages of 40 and 55, has pissed the Red Sox off because Bon Jovi ain’t playing at Fenway this summer. The Sox say Law “promised” Bon Jovi.
Law promoted 90% of concerts in Boston in 1970s. He was known for being low key and honest businessman. He’s always had a good reputation which is a tough thing to do in a tough business. And he is in a tough business.
Bon Jovi is already playing two dates at the Garden in July. Over saturation and empty seats is why they can’t come back to Beantown in August and play Fenway most likely. Thanks to Mr. West Coast Tom Werner the Red Sox now have Neil Diamond for “One Night Only”. One night does not make the $$$$ the sox need/want.
Unfortunately for the Sox they do not have this so-called “promise”, Don Law made to them in writing so they cannot sue for the lost revenue.
But Larry Lucchino can see to it that lamo sycophant gossip columnists, whom, if this was Hollywood, may be able to garner a grain of respect and credibility yet have zero in the Boston business, political, arts, sports, news, and every other local click/community except the “get a load of me club”, can do his bidding by announcing his new concert promoting business, whack thew competiton and make it appear he is doing missionary work because other concert promoters suck. Larry has promoted post Celtic game concerts so he knows what he is doing. It’s all in the herald so it is all credible and true.
The Krafts wanted to get into the concert promotion business. So they did. Enough said.
Larry Lucchino, the bully, wants to get into the concert business. So he uses these two nimrods working for media mogul Pat Purcell (1 crappy tabloid, 1 highway billboard) to make what most likely are false charges and innuendos concerning Don Law’s character, professionalism, and abilities.
Why? Because that is the competition now. Fenway Sports group, headed by Mike Dee – who BTW was being screwed with by Larry over his contract at the same time Larry was screwing Theo with his contract – is now promoting concerts.
Theo’s contract was newsworthy. Mike Dee’s what not. But both he and Theo do not like Larry because they see how the guy operates day to day. Makes them want to puke.
Sorry, I digress. Why does Larry pull this Watergate plumber crap and plant this story? To kill the competition. That’s Why
Liberals, conservatives, moderatres and fornicators all agree. Larry Lucchino is a dink.
More likely than not, Larry created or made use of this situation to feather his own cap and bring down a good guy.
In my humble opinion.
Once again, Screw You Larry!