Even Lou Dobbs has pointed out the obvious bias against Hillary:
And now there’s even a book, published by no less than the University of Illinois about media bias against women candidates, which covers the races of 8 women presidential candidates, including Senator Clinton.
Yes, I am angry and “bitter,” although I’m not clinging to guns and religion, but only the silly idea that there should be a level playing field. This primary race was akin to watching Rocky go 15 rounds after being hogtied, and then have Apollo Creed claim “victory.” Senator Kennedy’s words over the weekend was the moral equivalent of Ivan Drago entering the ring to take another swing, when Rocky was already on the ropes.
It’s likely that Senator Obama has “won” the nomination, but he has done so with a tremendous about of “help” from the less the objective media. So, as one of the 48-49%% who voted for the hogtied Rocky…I think I will be helping Ed O’Reilly or some other fine progressive. You know, one who actually knows what that means.