As a lifelong resident of Marlborough and soon-to-be graduate of UMass-Amherst, I have been active in my community and school. As the President of the UMass Democrats and Secretary of the Marlborough Democratic City Committee, I have worked to advance the platform of the party and bring in new voters.
As the Chairman of the Student University Policy Committee, I have been a leader in the fight to lower student fees and to divest the university from Sudan.
Combating climate change must be a priority of our government. I will fight to enact legislation that lowers carbon emissions drastically and encourages the development of clean energy and hybrid vehicles. There must be a renewed emphasis on recycling; I believe we should expand the bottle law to include more than just soda and alcohol.
There is no better escape from poverty or deterrant from crime than education. I will work to expand programs such as full day kindergarten and after-school academic mentorship programs. At the college level, increased funding for MassGrant and other scholarships will allow students of all backgrounds and income levels to realize their potential.
Our civil rights must be protected at all times, whether from legislatures or bigotry. That is why I support and will continue to support strong hate crimes legislation that protects everyone and the right of all Americans to marry whomever they love.
Over the next few months, I will be running a positive campaign that highlights solutions and new ideas. I can’t do this alone, though, I need your help and support!
Grassroots campaigns can galvanize and transform communities. When people come together to meet the challenges of the day, it makes us better and leaves us stronger.
We are still working on the website, but you can be assured that I will be a regular here (I already read BMG a few times a day!) In the meantime, if you’d like to contact me, you can reach me at or at:
The Giancola Committee
67 East Dudley Street
Marlborough, MA 01752
I ask for your support, your ideas, and your help. I’m excited to get going. See you on the trail!
I don’t see one mention of your district other then it’s what you have been using as an address for most of your life. And of course the local branch of less parochial groups and causes.
p>What issues concern only your district? That’s what it is about Mattie Boy.
p>Forget about global warming and universal health care and education money and everything else.
p>get in your car and drive around the district. Walk around the District. What is it in your district that is important to the quality of life to your constituents, unique to your constituents, and the state has power over?
p>Because Mattie, I don’t want my rep using my district as a convenient desk job to run a specific non district oriented political agenda.
p>Forgive me for the tone son. But you will need to be thick skinned. I’m just helping you get started.
p>But hey, that’s just me talkin’.
Good to see you run. I will try and bust your balls every chance I can. So when you are out knocking doors in july and it is hot and you want to quit before you should, think of me.
p>And, win or lose this is better then grad school for you. if you work hard. And if you win, go to law school nights. if you lose, go to law school.
Illegal aliens are throwing Americans out of jobs and depressing the salaries of Americans, you know, the ones who have fought and died for this country and the ones who pay relentless taxes–those Americans, who are attempting to feed, clothe and house their families.
p>Forget about global warming. Start cleaning Marlborough out of the thousands of illegal aliens who have set up shop there!
I agree with the basic point of EBIII above. Its nice that you have positions on some popular and highly publicized issues like global warming and gay marriage. But as a representative in the near future you’re far more likely to be able to influence policy and make a change in the lives of real people living in the 4th Middlesex district through issues that hit closer to home. Namely, MA tax policy.
p>Could you please explain to me how you define a “loophole” and why you think that the combined reporting bill that passed the house closed “certain loopholes” but created others.
p>Do you support reducing the personal income tax to 5%, maintaining it at 5.3%, or raising it to some other level? Would you place an emphasis on lowering property taxes? Do you support casinos in MA, with the revenues from the casinos dedicated to local aid and transportation infrastructure improvements? Do you support the aspect of Gov. Patrick’s MPA that allows municipalities to increase meals and room occupancy tax? If so, are you troubled by the fact that the property tax breaks from that aspect of Gov. Patrick’s MPA would only be guaranteed for people over 70? Would you expand the people covered or the amount allowed to be deducted under the circuit breaker? Would you support legislation that would allow seniors to vote on Prop 2.5 overrides without being subject to the property tax increase? Do you support eliminating the local property tax exemption for utility poles? Do you support the bill being debated now (or possibly recently passed) to eliminate the sales & use tax exemption for aircrafts and aircraft parts? Would you support expanding the sales and use tax to include any services? I assume from your post that you support combined reporting, but would you follow the recommendation of the Corporate Tax Study Report and institute combined reporting along with a “meaningful” reduction in the tax rate? If so, what would you consider to be “meaningful”? Do you have any other tax policy positions I haven’t addressed?
Danielle has an impressive history of working on behalf of the district. Unfortunately, Matt, you don’t.
According to this article, the mayor of Marlborough has endorsed Arthur Vigeant. Thus, it truly is an uphill battle for you. I hope you have a fruitful campaign, and that you are able to successfully gage the public’s interest, but, well, your chanes aren’t the greatest. Although I am certain that you are aware of that. Still, if you want to have success, you need to think that you can win.