There’s Something Going On Here, I’m Tellin’ You.
A 19-year-old Sudbury man who is an intern with the Red Sox is being praised today for comforting a woman who was trapped in the twisted wreckage of a trolley during Wednesday’s crash on the Green Line in Newton.
He has his grubby little hands in everything. I bet he got the kid on the phone and ordered him back on the train to help.
It’s a great story and the kid really was heroic. Good Job.
(Now lets watch the Sox exploit a good thing).
Please share widely!
WEEI caller — all anti-Lucchino, all the time.
p>LL may be no AmberPaw, but he’s no Dan Conley! Cut him a little slack.
I expect more from you. This was a joke. Playing into my Larry has a pact with the Devil theme.
p>c’mon dude.
my likening you to bill from new hampshire was incredibly clever and funny. lighten up yourself, and go back and give it a 6. in fact, go back to some of my worse comments, and give them 6’s, as make-up call.