This is a victory for West Brookfield. There is now a real opportunity for the Town to build the confidence that its citizens have in the services it provides. I’m looking forward to working with Selectmen Barry Nadon and Tom Long to build that confidence.
During the campaign, I really got to see how beautiful and friendly West Brookfield is. I knocked on almost 600 doors since mid-March – something like half the households in West Brookfield. While this was hard work, it was a real treat to see the town’s natural beauty in a way that it can’t be seen from a moving car. It was also heartening to see the reaction of those whom I visited in my door-to-door campaign – that reaction was almost uniformly friendly. Perhaps they were relieved that I wasn’t a Jehovah’s Witness, but I think that many people were pleased that a candidate cared enough to ask them for their vote.
There’s one more thing. I had a great group of supporters – I couldn’t have done this without them. They have my deep and humble thanks.
Now the hard work begins.
Sounds like you did the hard work and it payed off.
With all the primary musings going on, your win is far more meaningful in the long run. Way to go.
Congrats, Dave!
p>I won my contest, too, in the town next door (for Planning Board). Of course, I was unopposed, because no sane person wants to be on the Planning Board.
p>Here’s to grassroots! Today the Brookfields, tomorrow… Spencer? LOL
Spencer is a mess. No money, no leadership, no direction, and no vision. Their schools are in the tank, especially Prouty, and the town officials & school administrators can’t get out of their own way. NEASC will end up yanking their accreditation because there is no way they will be able to get it together in time.
Why are resources spent on the NEASC? Should there not be an accreditation process that is provided through the DOE? What are their board, ED and staff paid? Where's the accountability of the NEASC to the public/DOE?
Why is this independent non-profit given so much power? School districts quake at the mention of losing accreditation and budget decisions are frequently made to pander meet the NEASC recommendations….along with DOE, EQA, NCLB, District requirements, MCAS…talk about redundant evaluations.
NEASC says, “jump” and schools repeatedly say, “how high?”.
As it stands now, the Mass. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education couldn’t accredit a kindergarten. This is a battered and disrespected agency, just starting to recover from the damage of the Weld-Cellucci-Swift-Romney years. Deval just got operating control of the DOE last month, and a new commissioner (selected by the old Board of Ed) is getting ready to take over.
p>NEASC has always been well respected by schools and colleges. They rely on educators to perform evaluations that are usually on target. If a school is in disarray, NEASC will report it fairly and accurately. Don’t shoot the messenger.
Thank you. While I appreciate your reply about the upside of the NEASC and the downside of DOE, I am still looking for answers to my questions about funding, accountability to the public by NEASC and redundancy as well as over-testing not only students but school districts.
I covered West Brookfield when I worked for the local weekly. Tom and Barry are two true gentlemen who have served the town wisely and well. You will find working alongside them a real pleasure, which isn’t the case with all town selectboards hereabouts.
If you go out of your way to announce “I won!” as a headline in a State wide blog, or any blog, newspaper, public appearance, etc. then congratulate your opponent rather then just mention that you creamed her.
p>WOW I am so impressed with you.
p>BTW what services are you talking about? Will they cost money the town does not have? Will they require an override?
p>What is your wish list for Brookfield?
p>Tone it down some Dave or you may be aone termer.
Don’t you want your boy to get re-elected. Firsdt term is all about get that second term.
p>I think he may turn people off, thta’s all. He sounds like a wind bag.
p>Don’t look behind the curtain.
How abourt ” I’d like to tahnk my opponnent for a race well run”
p>so any way what services for Brookfield is he talking about. Are they affordable.
p>those are legitamate questions.
Sweet irony.
gives facts in his arguments. I want tpolicy details.
p>Tell me what this guy believes in. Not he is for good.
p>Cult like my friends. Very cult like.
It’s called The Eisenthal Report, and it’s on the BMG sidebar. I read it from time to time, and it’s thoughtful and chock full of facts.
p>If I had to describe him, from reading the blog, I’d say he’s a wonky, thought-driven person. He is very ruminative, and deliberate.
p>All those qualities can make him a good selectman.
p>Since he has spent several years writing about what he believes, go check it out.
You mean he is not one of those Mass Alliance/teachers’ unions’ tools?
p>If not him then who can I go after Peter.
p>I’ll check out Eisenthal Report.
But i’m gonna nit pick
He’s taking on a job that pays either nothing or a tiny stipend, has a lot of stress and learning curve and provides zero recognition or connections because he wants to help. Good for him.
p>And, as far as the “first term is all about get that second term”, this is Selectman, not the presidency. Anyone who wins the first term and doesn’t make an ass of themselves on a monthly basis is probably capable of winning a second term absent a game-changing development. The question is, after 3 years of taking crap from a bunch of carpers who don’t have the balls to step in the ring themselves, do they want to?
p>I’m done next Tuesday as soon as the new guy/gal’s signed in, myself. Good for David.
especially the douchebag part.
p>I’m lumping you all in together becuase Socialist thing and Mass Alliance and the far far left has me now being paranoid.
p>I’m not sure who is who
Congratulations, Dave.
p>Thanks for running. Congratulations again on winning. We missed you at the BlogLeft gathering, but your flyers were being distributed.
p>I especially urge Democrats to run for local office. There are so many reasons:
– governance, first and foremost we need to have our Democratic values represented locally.
p>Now I get into my metaphors. They may not be the best, but I hope they make my point.
– Farm Team: Our local elected officials are tomorrow’s Democratic leaders. You are where we look for candidates for Representative, etc.
– NCOs: Anyone who holds elective office, has a following. You are our local leaders and are very effective in advocating for our Democratic nominees.
– Keeping the band together: When we are active, as individual Demcorats, we keep our organization strong. We don’t have to get the band together every two or four years.
p>Can anyone help me with these metaphors?
Well done!
I appreciate all of the good wishes being conveyed here.
p>As for Ernie’s comment, I certainly don’t want to be ungracious to my former opponent – and in my excitement and fatigue I neglected to write a little about her. Diane is certainly a well-respected long-time community activist in West Brookfield. She got into the race late, but she still managed to rally an impressive group of supporters. My supporters and I enjoyed the time we spent yesterday – many long hours in the sun – standing with her and her supporters at the polls. It was a positive and clean campaign – and I grateful to her for that.
p>You’re certainly right on that!