And so it will be for some 130 million families this month, when the first round of six-hundred-dollar checks hits the post. They’ll open their mailboxes and find a lovely surprise-enough to buy a few tanks’ worth of gas, or a few weeks’ worth of groceries-but they will still be undeniably stuck.
This is not the best we can do.
When your check comes in the mail, make a statement about the kind of government you want.
Invest 10% of your rebate check in better ideas than rebate checks.
Go to , find your favorite Democratic candidates, and put your 60 dollars-or 30 or 100-to work. It’s an investment in the future, and one we’re proud to support.
Build a Democratic future with us.
kate says
And I of course respectfully ask that you donate through MY ActBlue pages. I am active in the SOS Majority effort. I continue to raise money for a number of candidates. I have found that if you believe in a cause and ASK people for money they will donate.
p>Among the candidates I am supporting are Jeanne Shaheen in NH, Tom Allen in ME, Mark Warner in VA, Mary Landrieu in LA, and Tom Udall in NM.
p>I’ve raised $3035 on line through Act Blue for these candidates! If you want to Strenghten Our Senate Majority just pick one of these candidates! You can’t go wrong with any of them.
p>I’m trying to raise $5000 and I’m at $3035. If Adrian made a good argument, send a message that grassroots fundraising works!
p>Coming up on June 10 in Cambridge is a chance to attend a great event with Governors Patrick and Shaheen. The suggested donation is only $250. If you are interested please contact me for details at
kate says
To support any of the candidates I named and help me reach my goal, just click on tha appropriate link and make your donation. Thanks so much! Kate
mcrd says
You know————- Pelosi and reid. Like the present Farm Subsidy debacle and and the lack of a defense supplementary appropriation.
p>Giving tax dollars to farmers is like giving tax dollars to oil cpmpanies.
shawnh says
The present debacle is due to the mismanagement of the economy that started on Day 1 of this administration. Oil prices began to rise then, the deficit balooned after the tax cut for the rich, the subprime mortgage mess was allowed to continue until its predictable resulting foreclosures and the dollar began to fall. The seeds of the current problem were planted by George Bush and his GOP Congress, not by the Dems.
cos says
I have mixed feelings about Reid, but he’s not one of the people I’d contribute to on ActBlue this year, so that’s beside the point. We clearly have a better Congress this year than we had in 2006, but we clearly have further to go. Some great people are running and we have a change to move Congress forward some more for next year.
jconway says
Congress overwhelmingly passed both the pork laden farm bills that led to this jump in food prices and a situation where we are literally stuffing corporate fat cat farmers full of taxpayer dollars while starving the world and cutting supply with our foolish commitment to ethanol. Additionally Pelosi and Reid overwhelmingly supported the rebate checks that you ironically are going to spend to re-elect the same people that caused high food prices and rebate checks.
lasthorseman says
And really there are many books on the contemporary subject of the ineffective/corrupt functions of today’s government.
Superclass by David Rothkopf is the latest.
The “Illuminati” Plan to Destroy America.