A small town with a Board of Selectmen. There is controversial issue before the selectman that if approved will allow a huge national or multi-national company build a big so and so that employs lots of people but also has consequences. Means big big big $$$$$ for company and very important to the high level managers in charge of geting it through. Typical small town big issue.
Debate going on for months. The company needs one vote to change on the board of Selectman. They are experienced at getting things they want from small towns. They do it all the time all over the country/world. And they are greedy and don’t mind cheating. They alreasdy tried in their cute ways to bribe a selectman or two, Legally and illegally. They know all the tricks of the trade. Nothing has worked. Damn good government.
Thousand of large comnpanies operate with this attitude.
So anyway election coming up for one of the selectmen. One they need to change his vote. They put up a candidate. A school committee person who takes him on. For a company like this to hire an outside “consulting firm”, the type the are more popualr than ever and will grow because all these special services and contractors Bush created are coming home and need jobs, is easy as pie. They all have their in-house G Gordon Libbys. But I digress.
A few bucks can get the people you need to fly in and vote a few times and leave. Just has to be organized. Not to much thought and the right poeple can easily give a 50 to 100 extra votes to swing an election.
This applies to ward alderman/councilman races in Quincy, Revere, Somerville, Chelsea, Everett and alot of other , ahem, places.
That is what same day registration allows.
After the vote there is nothing that can be done. If anyone knows. Go find the people to prosecute. The candidate knew nothing about it.
You people are crazy, nuts, or using this to cheat yourselves.
But thses rules will help steal those elections you lefties are lookin for.
Why can’t they register before the day.
OH Wait. This won’t happen. Cam Kerry and Lynn from Lowell told me so. It won’t happen because there are ‘penalties’ for doing this. As much as $10,000.
Oh, that big company is shaking in its boots.
Of course rather than a larger internatuonal company it could be a regional trash hauler loking for the town contract.
Why do you giuys find it necessary to make it easy to cheat. Are your voters that stupid and lazy that they canot register prior to election day?
Immigrant and poor is not another word for retarded. My immigrant and poor grandparents weren’t retarded. Like everyone else they knew hpw to register to vote.
It appears Lynn from Lowell can’t oust Bill Martin unless she can get a bus load of immigrants to register and vote the same day. She does not know how to get them registered prior then show up to vote. Unless of course you can cheat like same day registration allows anyone with larceny in their heart.
Like in Chelsea and Lawrence and Lowell and Holyoke get a spanish speaking person on your campaign. Give him a wad of cash on election day and tell him to go do his magic. Same day registration lets that guy do alot more for his candidate. This ground zero of voter fraud. More so if we have same day registration.
The blue haired old ladies working the polling stations will automatically register someone who has the right documents. I don’t mrean correct documents either.
Same day registration is geared so far left can use immigrants and other non english speaking poor people to steal elections.
Socilaist S.O.B.s using my Democratic Party for their Socialist agenda. I’m tired of it.
P.S. Why can’t Charley admit or deny that he is a Socialist first and a Democrat second? Nothing to be ashamned of Charley.