I hadn’t thought much of this until I started closely paying attention a few months back.
The candidates, the speak, the lack of details in policy, the obnoxious more than anything hiding behind the “children’, the high degree of alarm that goes out when local governments try to bring budgets under control, the desire to control every aspect of a child’s education, the false belief that a government funded school system by definition can only be done one way, the hidden message of spend spend spend on perhaps noble yet unaffordable social programs, the socialist slanted Mass Alliance recruiting and supporting the candidates BMGers support.
(now that’s a long sentence. Sure I could have mad sentences or gone with the colon (:) but i chose to stick with the commas.)
You are all so happy your candidates are getting elected to town offices like Selectman of West Brookfield. Perhaps you can tell me exactly what policies this new selectman wants to implement which follow the theme of his campaign. What exactly for the kids? How much $$$. Why do we need it? Who gets the $$$.
Start you own party. The Massachusetts Democratic Socialist Party and give us our party back.
We don’t have school teachers with nothing but time on their hand organizing against any candidate that wants to put people over teachers unions. You are all about that. That;s the deal. Teachers Unions take care of lefty socialists and lefty socialists get to hi-jack my party.
It Stinks!!!!!!
Ernie I am filing a voter rights discrimination suit against you. See you in the Supreme Court. Oops you guys control that one ok so I will try State court You have denied my ability to vote for Ernie Boch III ( Republican curmudgeon personified) or at least provided me a space to write in on the poll. My voting rights have been violated!
p>Obviously this is a Republican tactic to suppress Democratic voting and hide the fact that they are the true problem with America. What a bunch of Feudalistic Elitists. Thank heavens the Democrats or on the way to save the Nation. Ernie your time is short better cash in on Bushy soon you won’t have that soft cushy no show job, the Republicans handed you, once we get in their and clean out the riff raff.
p>Obama in 08
p>As Usual Just my Opinion and Strong Feeling
Don’t label me. I am a democrat that is left then center but also a realist. Like the Clintons bullying the party and the country into thinking Hillary is more than Vote Flick for Class President.
p>You my friend should be fighting the socia;lists that ruined my party. Woburn would be better off. A good working class city ;like that with a huge commercial tax base.
SAnd of course Ed you say I am a Bushy. You tool.
p>Thank god you didn’t win your rep seat.
p>Go tanners!
Right now I am with Obahma. Right now.
p>But I know why I am. You and the other tools deised on who the cool kids were with.
p>People like you Ed make me and many many others who love this country, love this state, love the constitution, love Boston, hate the bushies, and hate the far lefties want to throw up.
p>We are Dems baby. I know you want to marginalize us, but we know you are the obtuse tool here Ed.
First of all I welcome all people who embarrass the Democratic Party your correct in suggesting the issues that join us as Democrats can often divide us Ernie.
p>But to suggest that some how your conservative slants are something more then Republican rhetoric because to come out and admit your a republican would put you into a minority that has lost a voice is not my problem it’s yours my friend.
p>Woburn is a great blue collar town no where I have lived in my life have I seen neighbors so willing to roll up their sleeves and help out another. We value Education come visit our new Green Woburn Memorial High School their is not another one like it in Massachusetts and it was paid for by a vote of the people through a debt exclusion certainly a feat here in Massachusetts.
p>But what I refuse to do is what you suggest and kick and scream about. I instead get out and work for what I believe in now maybe you do and maybe you don’t but here you find fault in most everything that is not conservative enough to suit you. So we will agree to disagree and I will always see the glass as half full and you obviously by your repeated comments well see it as half empty and spend your time hunting for the bandit who drank half your water. Good Luck!
p>Yes I am a social Liberal no doubt about it but I also consider myself a moderate fiscal Democrat who believes you need to spend wisely, save some for a rainy day and make darn sure you find the money before you decide to spend it. That is the Woburn way and my brand of Democrat.
p>Sorry Ernie! We disagree and thats fine but I still think you a Republican curmudgeon
I don’t think so. It’s more probable that he’s Robert DeLeo in disguise….
p>but how do you explain the dress?
A disguise to hide from the Globe Reporters perhaps
p>To funny!
p>Part 1
p>1. Do you support any form of Charter Schools?
p>2. Do you vote for every override in your town and support every override in other towns?
p>3. Do you agree with each and every issue and cause suppoted by the teachers’ unions?
p>4. Do you support same day voter registration?
p>5. Are you in favor of free medical care for all paid for the government?
p>6. Do you favor the abortion protest buffer zone legislation?
p>7. Did you vote for John Dean
p>8. Did you vote for Deval Patrick?
p>7. Does answering no to any of the above questions make you a Republican or at least not a Democrat?
p>Part 2
p>1. Are you against mandatory sentencing and/or any other anti-crime policies such as school zone drug possession crimes, which have explicit or implicit racial discrimination as the end result?
p>2. Do you agree that forced busing in Boston was a mistake which caused needless violence and hate ultimately hurting rather than helping the city?
p>3. Do you have a “problem” with partial birth abortions.
p>4. Do you believe there is waste in government for which the poeple should be vigiant fighting?
p>5. Do you think the Woburn tanners, one of the states great storied football high school franchise needs that multi million dollar field with the kick ass very $$$$$$$$ artificial turf that is all the wage now?
p>If you answer yes to any of the above does that make you a Republican?
p>Part 3
p>You referred to me as a republican with a no-show hack job, or something.
p>With that in mind could describe for the BMGers Mr. Quinn, exactly what it is you do and why for the past many many years you have been sucking at the tit of the Woburn taxpayer with privare consulting gigs and other such stuff. can you also tell us how much $$ you have collected each year from the Woburn tax payers.
p>What makes you so important to the poeple of Woburn?
thats’ “rage” not “wage”. “All the rage”
carry on
p>2. As I have stated I am a fiscal moderate you need to make the case to me that it is needed and no other source of revenue can be found. I have supported some and worked against others.
p>3. Yes Teaching is one of the toughest jobs going and I do support the need for good pay and good benefits and on this point I am a big supporter of the Living Wage, which most young new teachers do not make here in Massachusetts
p>4. Same day voter registration Hummmm I have only begun to look at the pros and cons I have to say I have not seen enough evidence to make a decision. We are planning a forum on the issue latter this summer to discuss it more I hope at that time I can take a position
p>5. Yes I do believe that it is time for a single payer universal health care. I am not an expert on the fine print by any stretch but I would like to see this change made soon. I feel that the only way to get a handle on the skyrocketing costs is one universal health care and yes I differ on this from Obama, which is one reason I support Clinton.
p>6. Yes I do the buffer zone is entirely appropriate just as I feel their is a personal zone when discussing issues face to face and one needs to respect another’s opinions.
p>7. Let’s see Ernie on this one you must have really lost it John Dean was the young attorney who turned states evidence on Richard Nixon to my knowledge he never ran for office her in Massachusetts so no I do not recall ever voting for John.
p>8. Yes I was Deval coordinator here in Woburn and worked closely with the team in this Senatorial district.
p>7/9 you missed the edit key on this one Ernie hum a no vote it depends on your reasons and your positions but I would generally say anyone can be a Democrat in name it is the spirit that counts IMHO
p>Part 2
p>1. Hum Ernie this question is all over the map but I will take a shot at it. I do feel that mandatory sentencing has been in some cases a mistake I do feel confident in Judges to make the correct call can errors be made why certainly that is how our justice system is set up. I do support the law that clearly prohibits and makes a crime the sale of controlled substances in school zones and I think those specific crimes should be dealt with in a very serious way.
p>2. I think bussing was both a necessary mistake to advance social equality among the races here in Boston. I regret that we had to use children as a way to teach adults how to act and behave so I do object to placing children into harms way but the way minorities were being treated in this state at that time was not our finest hour.
p>3. I have a personal problem with any abortion but I do support a women’s right to choose. Fortunately I have never been faced with such a heart wrenching decision but until we provide a social guarantee for every child of having the basics in life no matter the circumstances of their birth and we provide fully for the mothers who have been left by them to bear and rear these children it is what it is. Partial birth is used in extreme cases almost always to protect the life of the mother my wife’s grandmother faced this choice with a pregnancy back before 1920 he husband and lace curtain Irish firefighter said to the doctor please save my wife we have 4 children at home. That took a strong man with a clear sense of the future and I am glad in that day he had a doctor who would listen.
p>4. Oh Ernie Ernie Ernie read some of my other posts old man waste is the wrong word can we do better sure we can I want to see 100 cents of every dollar spent on providing the maximum amount of opportunity for every citizen of the United States because that’s really the only thing government provides.
p>5.No I think it was a waste and they were just as successful in our history on a wonderful real turf field I think our Tanners would have been just as successful on real turf.
p>Again your question is to simplistic Ernie I refer to my prior response.
p>Part 3
p>Ernie Let me make this clear and I am sure you can confirm it with Woburn City Hall I have never taken a taxpayer dollar in Woburn from any board I have and currently serve on. I have refused and position that came with any stipend or even reimbursement I have served now under 4 mayors and I am not entitled to a single taxpayer dollar of retirement or health benefit or income. I currently serve on 2 appointments one on the Woburn Handicapped and disabled persons commission, and the Cable commission and have been asked to join the upcoming new energy/green committee for the current mayor. I have served in the past on the school building commission and the green building commission. I was a founder and served as first president of the Woburn Neighborhood Crime Watch INC the founder of the Woburn Education Technology Foundation Inc. and I am the chairman of the Ward 2 Democratic Committee and Chairman of the Woburn City Democratic Committee. I also wrote the grants for the new High School with MTC and Nstar and several other small ones. And currently in my spare time I am working on a grant I got for the Woburn Residential Environmental Network for $10,000 from DCR
p>Lets see if you have the courage Ernie to answer the same questions.
p>As Usual Just my Opinions and the Facts
good luck Ernie
Lets see if you have the courage Ernie to answer the same questions
p>Courage? What the F are you talikn’ about/ That is your definition of balls?
p>You did such a lousy job of answering that it will take me some time to figure out what you said.
p>I’ll post tomorrow and, if I have the courage, answer the questions.
p>What the fuck is your opinion of yourself Ed?
p>Courage to answer questions? And “let me make thios clear” line about your big important Mr. Woburn biard appointments.
p>Wow. You just reak of courage. O hope I can go through with it an answer.
Why do people running for mayor of Woburn spend close to two hundred thousand dollars to get elected.
p>HMMM, that never sat right with me.
I don’t know ask them I am not one of them!
I thought you made your money from the public dole. Stae job or state or city contarcxt. Am I wrong?
Sorry Ernie but your wrong!
p>but continue to rant and rave as you chose your just proving me correct
a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person.
p>[Origin: 1570-80; unexplained; perh. cur- repr. CUR ]
p>Just my Opinion as Ususal
but where does your pay check come from? Not from government funded contracts or grants of some kind?
I always thought that is what you did. Consulting perhaps, but the Fairy God Father with the check has always been the taxpayers, ultimately.
p>BTW your answers to my question were at times bizarre. I may do a post explaining.
p>This made me chuckle.
p>Actually, the whole thread did. First off, there’s no secret meetings between BMGers and MassAlliance. In fact, I don’t think anyone from MassAlliance even posts on BMG, except the occasional diary to advertise their occasional events.
p>Furthermore, please elaborate on how any person, group or entity is stealing your party? I wasn’t aware that the Democratic Party was trademarked toward old-fashioned, often-bigoted, anti-choice politicians who made decisions behind doors and abhor things like transparency. And how successful, exactly, are the old-fashioned politicians and ways they did business compared to the new politicians being elected in part with help from groups like MassAlliance? And how, in any way, shape or form, does MassAlliance represent anything different than what was done in the past – minus the fact that instead of having many different organizations splitting resources and working against each others’ best interest, a few of them decided to work in concert to maximize results?
p>The bottom line is if you don’t like the fact that progressives are starting to get elected en masse and that we’re being successful, you have the same means we do to enact change. Calling Lynne a socialist isn’t necessary an effective means in which to accomplish those electoral goals, though.
Ernie, David Eisenthal is hardly a socialist. If we’re excited about his winning selectman it’s because he’s a fellow blogger and a friend.
He hasn’t answered any of my questions.
p>What does he want the town to spend its money on and where would the money come from?
p>That’s all.
Shocked that a person you sarcastically mock and call a “windbag” has not been quick to engage you in dialogue! Here I thought the “Answer my question, jerk!” approach was sure-fire winner.
p>Maybe some people are old-fashioned and believe that BMG discourse should resemble “thoughtful discussion between acquaintances who may hold differing views on important issues, but who debate those issues in a respectful manner” and hold that “Insults, personal attacks, rudeness, and blanket unsupported statements reduce the level of discourse”?
p>Call me crazy (or anything else, since name-calling is your style), but maybe it’s not your questions or your substance, maybe it’s your approach?
Everyone has a different approach, and emails and blog posts aren’t built for conveying depth or nuance. Ducking is ducking, whether the question was formatted and spell-checked or delivered with venom. Unless it is totally stupid and insulting, it usually is worth answering, if you want people to know the answer. If you don’t want people to know the answer, then don’t blame the approach of the questioner.
If you read his blog you would know the answer to these questions.
p>Clearly he has answered them to he satisfaction of the voters of West Brookfield.
and I will read it.
This thread reads like it was transcribed from a late-night slurred-speech shouting match at the Red Hat.
I wouldn’t say the Democratic Party has been hijacked by anyone. People from many different beliefs support the Democrats for a number of reasons. I will use me as an example, I tend to be in favor of a more libertarian philosophy. I disagree with the Democrats on many things but I support and vote for them because I feel they support civil liberties better then anyone. I refuse to vote Republican because I feel that they are totalitarian. With that being said, would you think then that crazy Libertarians are also hijacking the Democrats because there are allot of people like me who go Democrat.
Allot of people used to think Bill and Hillary were Socialists. I have mixed views on Obama, but I have heard allot of people call him and his supporters Socialists due to some of the things the believe in. Interesting thing is that Ron Paul said many of the same exact things and no one is calling him a Socialist. Maybe its just that things are so wrong and bad in America that people are looking for a newer better way. The Republicans act more like the Soviets then anything, at least the Progressives believe in plurality in the political process as apposed to the current party.
and I’ll tell you if I fit the description.