Just thought I’d pass along a couple of updates for the left tab where BMG keeps track of interesting leg races this cycle.
– Astrid af Klinteberg, progressive challenger to anti- equal marriage Dem Tony Verga of Gloucester, just went live with her web site :
– Also, a few weeks ago, incumbent Winchester & Stoneham rep and staunch equal marriage opponent Paul Casey decided not to stand for reelection, creating an open-seat race in the 31st Middlesex. The progressive standard-bearer in the district continues to be Jason Lewis ( http://www.electjasonlewis.com ), who was already challenging Casey in the primary.
Please share widely!
I know Astrid. The court-appointed legal work she does means she is well aware of the areas of greatest need in society. Astrid is both a progressive, and a grunt in the trenches protecting and working on behalf of vulnerable citizens.