Michigan Dems to DNC: We’ll split the difference
The Michigan Democratic Party’s 80-member executive committee voted last night to go to the DNC with the delegate plan that Senator Carl Levin and three other state party heavyweights introduced last week: seat all 128 of the pledged delegates, giving 69 to Clinton and 59 to Obama – halfway between a 50/50 split and a straight allocation based on the January 15 primary. Neither candidate campaigned in the state and Obama’s name did not appear on the ballot. All 29 superdelegates would also get full voting rights.
The Obama campaign sounded open to the arrangement, as long as they were still able to maintain the ability to minimize the primary results. “It is clear results in January won’t be used to allocate delegates, and we agree with that decision,” spokesman Bill Burton told the AP. “We have been talking with Michigan leaders about this proposal and will continue to do so.”
The Clinton campaign did not respond, but their delegate counts — including the magic number necessary to win more than half of the overall delegates — have included Michigan and Florida at full strength. Last week, a spokesman responded to split-the-difference plan by saying, "The bottom line is that Michigan’s votes must be counted so that they have a voice in selecting our nominee."
A compromise like this is basically a recognition that Michigan’s popular votes aren’t legitimate.
(h/t Ben Smith)
Perhaps now we might stop hearing the nonsense that Obama is trying to quell those states.
Despite what Hillary supporters have trumpeted, Obama had not prevented their re-votes from going forward.
This is just more proof that he is willing to work towards compromise, despite the pledge that both he and Hillary took, for the sake of the party.
Sources I read, such as the if-anything-pro-Obama TPM Election Central, were pretty clear that it was objections from the Obama camp that prevented previous MI solutions (like the firehouse primary) from going forward.
Does MI’s “Senate Dems” equal Obama’s camp?
‘Do-over is dead‘ via Ben Smith
I tried to link to the MIRS:
MIRS provides comprehensive news and analysis of state government delivered in written reports detailing the activities of the House, Senate, Judicial and Executive branches of Michigan state government.
It is a subscription service, it seems.
No mention of the DNC, OR the Clinton campaign (unless Carville is authorized) agreeing to the solution proposed.
All parties must agree, the MI DNC said. Any link for the other two parties involved?
p>Detroit’s county clerk against Michigan re-vote
DNC, on the record for Michigan
Another blow to Michigan revote
p>Maybe this led to Obama being assigned 100% of the blame:
Obama won’t back Michigan
Sources: Clinton supporter pressures Pelosi
Use January results, but give all delegate slots elected as unpledged to Obama. All votes for Clinton should be honored in appropriate proportion.
Even though it is a false metric, Clinton will try to use it.
p>I am wary of giving her any air whatsoever. Remember, we are talking about a Clinton. Ya know, the definition of what “is” is.
p>We won’t lose MI and we can work around FL by moving into TX, VA, CO, NM, OH, IN and KS. Not to mention SC, NC and the deep south where McSame will sweat it hard, if not lose across the board.
p>Speaking of FL, remember how in Bush v. Gore there was squaking about suppression of the black vote. Who here thinks Obama’s FL black vote will even be close to being “supressible.”
p>Keep the screws tight!
Yes, this is a Clinton we’re talking about her, which is a large part of why I support her. Both states are swing and if I were a GOP operative I would salivate at the idea of telling voters that they don’t count to the Democrats. She has every right to use whatever argument she wants, even if that means if one argument doesn’t work trying another.
What if a voter cast a ballot for “unpledged”, but voted in their heart for Edwards.
p>Is it fair for their vote to be cast to Obama arbitrarily. Should all of Edwards support, and all the other candidates other, then Clinton, be allocated to Obama across this whole process.
p>Where would that put the race? Ya, Hillary gets hers and Obama gets everyone elses!
p>Does that sound fair to you?
It will be interesting to see which way Edwards delegates go considering he apparently isn’t going to endorse. If Edwards himself or any other candidate were still viable I would recommend splitting them somehow. Other than Michigan, delegates for other candidates and unpledged delegates should vote their consciences, choosing between Obama and Clinton.