what a foolish move that would be for her….let Obama and the boys rise and/or fall on their own…if she were on the ticket they would continue to blame her for anything that went wrong…maybe Ted wants his pal Dodd on board…or maybe Maria Shwartzenegger or some Kennedy cousin is available…pass the torch while keeping your hand on the torch at the same time…it’s inspirational.
You just ooze venom?
Kennedy supported Dodd before he supported Obama….surely he would be a proponent of having his old pal on the ticket.
p>it’s not venemous to state the obvious.
pass the torch while keeping your hand on the torch at the same time…
it’s inspirational.
p>I’ll leave you to your tirade.
was Mitt Romney, is one of those final, ugly Republican debates before super-tuesday
I know. I like playing whack-a-mole. Sometimes ya gotta whistle to get them to pop their heads up.
p>Your all spiffy on the high road of yours.
There’s no doubt she’d be a fool to consider it, but at the same time, Obama needs to publicly offer it to her, and be sincere about it. The party needs that move as a reconciliation move after an extremely long and bitter primary season. Offer it, get it rejected, and let’s move on. It’s not all about the primaries, and we need to be looking ahead to the big game as a unified front.
by notakoolaiddrinker
Sun May 11, 2008 at 05:54:35 PM PDT
I’d really like to see HRC not give up so quickly. Quite possibly yes she is done in the Democratic selection process but there’s no reason she couldn’t run as an independent. It’s already well known that she could beat McCain in November if it was head-to-head. Now that that’s probably not going to happen, it’s time to consider another strategy.
What would the head of the Senates India Caucus, a staunch supporter of NAFTA since her husband authored it, and a person who opposes the Durban-Grassley H1B visa reform efforts have in common with Ralph Nader?
Watching Hillary try to sell herself as populist is like watching Mussolini try to disguise himself as a nun.
man this popcorn is good. could you pass me a beer. I’m enjoying the show…. đŸ˜‰
Should Senator Clinton suspend her campaign before the convention, Obama should name her head of his VP search committee. If she wants to pull a Cheney and anoint herself, she can, otherwise she can make sure that the #2 spot is a loyalist.
what a foolish move that would be for her….let Obama and the boys rise and/or fall on their own…if she were on the ticket they would continue to blame her for anything that went wrong…maybe Ted wants his pal Dodd on board…or maybe Maria Shwartzenegger or some Kennedy cousin is available…pass the torch while keeping your hand on the torch at the same time…it’s inspirational.
You just ooze venom?
Kennedy supported Dodd before he supported Obama….surely he would be a proponent of having his old pal on the ticket.
p>it’s not venemous to state the obvious.
p>I’ll leave you to your tirade.
was Mitt Romney, is one of those final, ugly Republican debates before super-tuesday
I know. I like playing whack-a-mole. Sometimes ya gotta whistle to get them to pop their heads up.
p>Your all spiffy on the high road of yours.
There’s no doubt she’d be a fool to consider it, but at the same time, Obama needs to publicly offer it to her, and be sincere about it. The party needs that move as a reconciliation move after an extremely long and bitter primary season. Offer it, get it rejected, and let’s move on. It’s not all about the primaries, and we need to be looking ahead to the big game as a unified front.
Get in early folks!
p>Clinton PLEASE Go Independent and Save This Country!
What would the head of the Senates India Caucus, a staunch supporter of NAFTA since her husband authored it, and a person who opposes the Durban-Grassley H1B visa reform efforts have in common with Ralph Nader?
Watching Hillary try to sell herself as populist is like watching Mussolini try to disguise himself as a nun.
man this popcorn is good. could you pass me a beer. I’m enjoying the show…. đŸ˜‰
Should Senator Clinton suspend her campaign before the convention, Obama should name her head of his VP search committee. If she wants to pull a Cheney and anoint herself, she can, otherwise she can make sure that the #2 spot is a loyalist.