Washington, DC – Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and VoteVets.org released an e-mail obtained from a Veterans Affairs (VA) employee directing VA staff to refrain from diagnosing soldiers and veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
On March 20, 2008 a VA hospital’s PTSD program coordinator sent an e-mail to a number of VA employees, including psychologists, social workers, and a psychiatrist, stating that due to an increased number of “compensation seeking veterans,” the staff should “refrain from giving a diagnosis of PTSD straight out” and they should “R/O [rule out] PTSD” and consider a diagnosis of “Adjustment Disorder” instead. The e-mail is available at http://www.citizensforethics.org.
This week, CREW sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the VA asking for all records pertaining to any guidance given regarding the diagnosis of PTSD.
Melanie Sloan, executive director of CREW, said today, “It is outrageous that the VA is calling on its employees to deliberately misdiagnose returning veterans in an effort to cut costs. Those who have risked their lives serving our country deserve far better. First and foremost, they have a right to expect that they receive diagnoses and treatment based on their symptoms and not on the VA’s budget. The VA should immediately reverse this and any other similar directives.”
I call ’em like I see ’em: Chief Hillary-wing Nut.
I hear on the teevee that Hillary advisors are no longer adamant about going to all the way to the convention.
p>Bush decides to attack Obama the day after.
p>And the Obama people now, w/ the Edwards pledged delegates, claim they are on the cusp of clinching the pledged majority…
Terry, there’s only one Pete Carroll.
…I think Terry McAuliffe is a riot! Of course, you can make anyone look a little over the top by splicing together a bunch of clips.
p>But, if I were putting together a campaign, he would be one of the first people I’d call.
What else do you want from the poor guy (I admit I don’t know much about him- I get him confused with the late, great Terence McKenna) And are we supposed to see the corporate media as the good guys in this montage? If you watch the rest of Matthews’ interview, Matthews himself admits to the parasitical nature of the media. To “parasitical” I would add “insincere”, “corrupted”, and “bandwagoneering” (although I’m not sure that’s an actual word)
Where the FOX guys are talking about an upcoming story, and the headline underneath says “Bullet In Head” which is about what you want to do after listening to TM.
p>How the heck did we survive with this guy as head of the DNC, anyways??
I can’t play video on dial-up. Could someone please quote in print the offending remarks?
and was laughing out of sheer pain.
p>Why do we have this clown Dean as DNC chief? Bring back Terry!! He’s sensible!
I blog mostly on Blue Hampshire. I meant BMG. Fixed the subject.
p>Why no OTs?
is ‘dirtbag’ one word, or two?
he did call Buchanan a right wing nutbag on television. Two points for that one.
…the Dick Vitale of political operators? Or, at least he isn’t Lanny Davis? Of course “scumbag” does work thanks to his involvement in corporate scandals.
CREW and VoteVets.org Expose VA Directive Barring Staff from Diagnosing Soldiers with PTSD in Order to Cut Costs
By VoteVets.org | Press Release
PUBLISHED: May 15, 2008
I call ’em like I see ’em: Chief Hillary-wing Nut.
I hear on the teevee that Hillary advisors are no longer adamant about going to all the way to the convention.
p>Bush decides to attack Obama the day after.
p>And the Obama people now, w/ the Edwards pledged delegates, claim they are on the cusp of clinching the pledged majority…
Terry, there’s only one Pete Carroll.
…I think Terry McAuliffe is a riot! Of course, you can make anyone look a little over the top by splicing together a bunch of clips.
p>But, if I were putting together a campaign, he would be one of the first people I’d call.
p>Terry rocks!
What else do you want from the poor guy (I admit I don’t know much about him- I get him confused with the late, great Terence McKenna) And are we supposed to see the corporate media as the good guys in this montage? If you watch the rest of Matthews’ interview, Matthews himself admits to the parasitical nature of the media. To “parasitical” I would add “insincere”, “corrupted”, and “bandwagoneering” (although I’m not sure that’s an actual word)
Where the FOX guys are talking about an upcoming story, and the headline underneath says “Bullet In Head” which is about what you want to do after listening to TM.
p>How the heck did we survive with this guy as head of the DNC, anyways??
I can’t play video on dial-up. Could someone please quote in print the offending remarks?
…just more from those who like to bash anything Clinton.