Peter Koutoujian, the “dig me” rep from Waltham who is best known for milling around the well of the House floor so the chicks he met the night before (when he was single) can see him on TV, has a wife that is the lobbyest for the trial courts.
Let me explain what I just said. Peter Koutoujian, the chairman of the very powerless Committee on Public Health, ( not to be confused with the very powerful Committee on Health Care Financing) wife is paid by the tax payers to go to Beacon Hill and ask her husband and his co-workers to give more tax payer money to the trial courts so they can hire more people.
That stinks.
What really stinks is that Koutoujian uses his wife’s influence to get jobs for “his people” in the court sysytem. Court officers etc. He has placed at least one or two people in court jobs with some help from his wife. If any other rep wants to help a constituent with a court employment issue it would be a mistake not to talk to Peter first. I would really resent that if I was a rep. and I am sure some do.
This pretty boy has as high an opinion of himself as any assisatnt district attorney ever to come out of Middlesex County. But that is not my point.
My point is that a light needs to shine on the House. Spouses should not be lobbying the legislature. I just don’t get it.
Tomorrow: Petro’s spouse. Wait til you hear what her state job is.
Let’s shine the light on the trial courts that allow these cozy relationships to breed too…two sides to that coin.
p>Thanks for the sunshine, Ernie.