Forum on America’s Future After Bush – Public Invited
Cambridge, MA (OPENPRESS) May 6, 2008 — The Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action, a Boston-based civil rights organization, and the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute of Race and Justice of the Harvard Law School, have announced a symposium at the Harvard Law School on May 16, 2008, on the topic, “Restoring America After Bush.” Cooperating sponsors include the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts and the Boston Lawyers Chapter of the American Constitution Society.
Responding to nationwide dismay over how to restore the country to constitutional government and to its traditional position of world leadership, these organizations have brought together distinguished panels to discuss the following vital issues:
– curbing the “imperial” presidency
– restoring governmental checks and balances
– depoliticizing government agencies and the courts
– reinvigorating habeas corpus and the Fourth and Sixth Amendments
– reversing the Bush-Cheney doctrine of pre-emptive war
– renewing American commitment to multilateralism
– achieving real security without sacrificing fundamental rights
– reversing America’s current image as propagator of arbitrary detention and even torture
Panelists include:
– Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, who serves on the Select Committee on Intelligence and on the Judiciary Committee
– Prof. Andrew Bacevich of Boston University, a widely published expert on international security affairs
– F.A.O. Schwarz, Jr., of the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law School
– Louis Fisher, distinguished constitutional law specialist at the Library of Congress
– Norman Ornstein of the American Enterprise Institute
– Prof. Charles A. Fried, Beneficial Professor of Law at the Harvard Law School and former solicitor general of the United States
– Prof. Detlev Vagts, Bemis Professor of International Law, Emeritus, also of Harvard Law School.
The conference will be held in the Ames Courtroom in Austin Hall on the Harvard Law School campus from 1 to 5 p.m. Admission is free and the public is invited. For questions or reservations, call the JALSA office at 617-227-3000 or email us at
Leverage the current Bush discontent.…
Wake up more of the sheeple!
To add my 2 cents, I think it’s important to keep prosecution of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Gonzales, Rice, et al. on the table even after Bush leaves office, partly in the interest of “curbing the imperial presidency” through a thorough denouncement of his precedent. The granting of pardons by Obama, Clinton, or McCain would be unpardonable, in my opinion.
I’m going, if for no other reason than it is a great chance to hear a U.S. Senator talk about the most pressing issues we are facing as a country today.
p>And on top of that, maybe we can get some actionable ideas that will be both practical and possible to implement. Prosecutions are (probably) not the way to go, but I am hoping that these folks (who are much smarter than I am) will be able to come up with some ideas and possibilities.