The list is impressive and clearly incomplete. Looking to today and the recent immigration reform battles, Kennedy was essential in working with stopped-clock Republicans like Bush and McCain to form a real positive reform, and kept fighting strong for human rights even after the Democratic leadership decided to let the bill fail for tactical reasons, of both keeping the issue by abandoning solutions, and for giving anti-immigrant Democrats a sense of legitimacy. Looking over at the site, Senator Kennedy’s voting record over the past decade or so has been positively pro-migrant. Senator Kennedy proudly shows his support for immigrants on his own webpage, for example these articles on rallies he lead in support immigrant rights: “Kennedy Joins Thousands on the Mall for Immigration Rally” and “Kennedy Leads Irish Rally in Support of Immigration Reform”
Senator Kennedy has been a vital supporter of civil rights for all people in this country and this Commonwealth, and I wish him all the best in a strong and quick recovery, and I am sure he will continue to fight for people no matter what may hold him back.
Too bad he wont be able to get a break on the price of all those chemo meds that he will be needing, by getting them from pharmacies in Canada.
Oh yeah, I forgot, as a Kennedy, price will not beof concern …. Unlike to the millions of other patients who are paying outrageously marked up med costs thanks to one of senators other recent “accomplishments”.