America’s Veterans have joined together to support Barack Obama for President. We are neither affiliated with nor paid for by the Obama campaign. We are a volunteer group of America’s veterans – men and women who have served America in uniform – from every rank and every conflict and from every service, in war and in peace, from all walks of life, from every creed and color, and from all parts of our nation.
We support Barack Obama because he believes as we do. Barack Obama believes the highest calling for each American is service to others.
Senator Obama shares our values, he honors our sacrifice and he cares about our country’s future. Barack Obama cares about veterans, but he goes beyond veterans’ issues to talk about what we care about the most: our love of country, our concern for others, our dedication to making this nation and our world a better place for all of us. Veterans know the truth of their love of country: this is not just about us, about what we are owed as veterans – it is about how the tradition of service that we showed in uniform lives on in the testimony of the lives we live. It is about what we give to others every day of our lives.
Our effort is about providing true national security: about binding up the wounds of war and caring for the widows and orphans of those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. But it is also about working for peace.
We, the creators of Vets For Obama, are volunteers. Each of us has spent many hours examining Barack Obama’s background, experience, qualifications, record, and policy proposals. We deeply believe that Barack Obama is the right leader for America. Please join us in this noble effort – to elect a President who can bring pride back to the White House. Help us to elect a man who will finally do something besides just pay lip service to our sacrifice, but who has through a lifetime of service testified to our highest ideals.
Help us to elect Barack Obama President of the United States.
If you share our calling and honor the sacred trust, please join us.
Senator Obama in West Virginia: Serving Our Veterans is “True Test of Patriotism”
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