When Republicans practice patronage, a fuss is made. When Democrats do it, it’s “the spoils of victory”. And quite all right.
Did anyone else notice that when the Governor’s wife had her breakdown, the governor asked for and received a break from criticism. He was bouncing around the state more than any other time.
Perhaps “Together we can” should be amended to “You do it for me, I’m too important for that menial stuff.
While he’s visiting all 351 cities and towns, did he visit the “Planned Business Community?”
Please share widely!
dcsohl says
I don’t mind patronage on either side as long as the recipients are actually qualified for the job. And there’s the rub. From Michael Brown (who leapt straight to head of FEMA after running the Arabian Horse Association) on down, Republicans don’t seem to give a damn about qualifications. Democrats do. (Insert usual caveat about how this is a generalization and not meant to apply to every single member of both parties.)
p>As for the rest of your post… it makes no sense. What is your point? Is there a connection between patronage, Mrs. Patrick’s mental health, Deval’s travel plans and your outright attack? What “menial stuff” are you talking about? You need to connect the dots.
p>Or is this meant to be a stream-of-consciousness sort of thing? Those don’t fly very well around here, I’m afraid.