So Deval, the man of the people, the together we can guy, the change man, increased his personal office budget by 80%.
That’s right. In one year his payroll in the corner office increased from $5 million to $9 million.
OK so, Deval is building his political organization with tax payer money. $4 million of new hack jobs. Hacks who get to say they “work in the governor’s office.” Even better. They get to say they “work for Deval’. That’s almost as good as saying you worked for Bobby Kennedy. In their world I mean.
Big Deal.
But the legislature is made up of hacks whom only care about themselves and not their constituents. Right Deval? But Deval and his people are all about good. So if he needs another $4 million increase from his current $5 million budget it must be a good thing. Forget about the budget crisis and the social programs getting hit. I’m sure some non-profit that relies on state funding for a good part of their budget doesn’t mind that they won’t be getting as much this year. No problem. If Deval needs it then it must be the best for all of us. For the community. For the commune.
But hey, It’s not like we are having a little recession. It’s not like more and more people are having money problems. it’s not like gas is $4.00 a gallon. It’s not like people are as angry as they have ever been at their local and state governments because of wasteful spending.
Deval better not complain when the anti-tax referendum passes this November. That goes for the teachers’ and other government employee unions. This isn’t communist russia where only poeple with good government jobs can afford to live a happy life. Yet that is what is happening. Anfd the working man is bitter because public employees are not sacrificing anything when everyone elses real wages are down dramatically.
BTW, non-profits, which many BMGers work at, are government subsidized programs. Tax payer money at work. Some are good and some are bad. But they need to be looked at too. As we all know, Working for a non-profit means good benefits, so so wages and “no-heavy lifting’. Just like a govt. job. Without the union.
And yes I an a Democrat. I believe we need many of the social programs that the govt funds. But we have to live within our means.
BTW2 – whatever happened to fiscal policies. Everyone is wrapped up in monetary policies. Let’s put some people to work on the Americam infrastructure.
BTW3 – it is not about police details. It’s about the false belief that more $$$ for teachers and cops and firemen will solve many of societies problems. It won’t. It will just make for stronger police and firefighters’ and teachers’ unions. More members who just have to show up and punch a clock and get a check while doing the minimal. And of course discouraging the good ones from working hard too.
I’m voting for the anti-tax referendum. Let them know how pissed we are.
after reading this post was to be kind of pissed off. But then I read the article and learned that 75% of the budget increase went to put together Commonwealth Corps and the other 25% went to opening up a DC office and to hiring people for 10+ positions that had been eliminated by Romney.
p>Civic engagement was the main theme of Patrick’s campaign and I think it makes sense for him to get Commonwealth Corps started up as soon as possible. This is one of the reasons he won in a landslide. The possible benefits of this programs are infinite in number. If he didn’t deliver on this promise – than people would be attacking him for his inaction.
p>However, I do think that under today’s economy it might not make sense for him to have hired more staff and open up the DC office. But, these are not actions that make me regret voting for him in ’06.
p>Question: what is the current situation with the state budget? Do we have a deficit/surplus? I don’t remember the last time I read about that.
And what was other $3 million for?
p>Commonwealth Corps ios another name for Deval’s campaign organization. What the hell will they do? What the hell is grassroots?
p>This is all propaganda for Deval special interests. But more importantly Deval has a tin ear.
“Much of the increase is due to a $3 million appropriation for Patrick’s new Commonwealth Corps, a volunteerism program aimed at promoting ‘civic engagement’ across the state.”
p>How can you argue that a volunteerism initiative is Patrick’s campaign organization? This is a program that will (hopefully) remain in place no matter who the governor is.
p>What will they be volunteering to do? We don’t need no freakin’ Peace Corps. Are things that bad? A bunch of recent college grads with wealthy parents so they can afford to “volunteer”? So they can feel good about themselves? What will they be doing? Cleaning up vacant lots in Dorcgester? Puleeze. What is this a state sponsored CityYear? Everyone gets a red jacket to wear and look cool in. Meanwhile the people who live in the neighborhoods that they are supposedly helping look at them with disdain and distrust. And do not see any real benefits from these volunteer programs. Maybe if they needed a well or an irrigation system built. But they don’t. What they need is hope and jobs for the young people.
p>BTW How much $$$ is going to be paid to the people to run this “volunteer program”. Maybe Texaco or Coke or Ameriquest or Ropes and Grayu will pick-up the administrative costs. Or maybe the bosses will be volunteers too.
p>But I doubt it.
So you’re admitting that you criticized Deval for funding a program that you know nothing about.
p>Why don’t you look into yourself before you start claiming it’s a waste of money?
Do you know? Probably not. Why ask?
Here you go
p>It even has a poll….
what’s that have to do with civil engagement? i would prefer a full fledge non-profit rather than some quasi public charity. I don’t buy it.
p>GG, is the america corps funded through a line item for the white house?
I haven’t voiced an opinion, positive or negative, about the program. You have voiced an opinion, so the burden of proof is on you to investigate it before running your mouth.
That the person spending $5 million on his personal staff to fund a pet project that sounds suspiciously like a re-election committee, while simultaneously looking for taxes to hike, has the burden of defending every last farking penny of that $5 mil, including why this pet program that sounds suspiciously like a re-election committee is more important than every single other thing in the state budget.
p>Otherwise, I think that the assumption that the $5 million is a gross waste of money is entirely justified.
p>It was this sort of pure political block-headedness– expansion of hack state jobs and benefits at time when most people are facing a recessionary economy AND dramatically higher fuel costs that led to the last ballot question tax revolt, Proposition 2 1/2.
p>Recession + High Fuel Prices + Tax Hikes + Apparent Indifference to Government Waste, even at a symbolic level = tax revolt.
Duh. Of course there’s a burden of proof on Deval. Has Deval met that burden? I don’t know. You claim he hasn’t but you don’t provide any proof, just assertions. What is it with you guys — you think you can just make big claims, provide no evidence, and we should all magically assume their true?
p>By the way, your response is rather irrelevant given that EB3 didn’t make the argument that we know too few details about the program. The argument he made — knowing nothing about the details of the program, mind you — was that it wasn’t worth the money.
p>Both your argument and his argument still lack evidence. If you provide some, I may agree with one or both of you. But don’t expect people to assume you’re right just because you assert something forcefully.
we can’t get specifics. I’m looking. i’ll see if i can find some. but it is funny that all these defenders of mass corp cannot give specifics. Just more of the same ole flowery speak.
I haven’t voiced an opinion
p>Man, I hate this cop-out. When it’s our money being spent, the burden should be on whoever is spending it to tell us what they are spending it on, with a little more detail than “grassroots civic engagement.” If you don’t have enough info to voice an opinion as to whether it is worth it or not, then maybe try voicing an opinion that there is not enough info, too few specifics, etc. Otherwise is smells a lot like you have a pretty good idea of where the money is going and just don’t want anyone to get in the way of it getting there.
But rather a form of local peace corps. They will teach in after school programs, clean beaches, etc.
p>Here is the link:
p>One quote from the establishment of this form of volunteerism also known to MY generation as “public service”
p>Ernie – I realize that some folk think if you throw enough mud against a wall some of it sticks. But Commonwealth Corps is NOT hacks, not Deval’s campaign organization and helps fill a real void. It is called “work to do” – way better than hanging out at the Mall, don’t you think, in forming the next generation? Or making use of the talents and experience of baby boomers as they retire? Kind of like my idea of empty nesters taking in and providing family type support for DSS age outs while they are in college.
they should be done by real people getting paid real wages to do real work. We are not a third world country in need of volunteers from wealthy nations.
p>This is a feel good program that will deliver minimal results if it has to rely on young adult wide eyes and bushy tailed volunteers.
p>pay real people real 444 to do real work.
p>That’s the american way.
Another worthless hit piece by EB3. He offers absolutely zero analysis as to what the state might or might not be getting for the money invested in the budget increase. According to the argument presented above, any dollar spent on the office budget is better spent elsewhere. Might as well decrease the budget to zero, by that logic.
p>The bulk of the budget increase pays for the Commonwealth Corp program, but EB doesn’t even mention it, let alone offer any analysis of it. Perhaps enhanced civic engagement will make state government more responsive, efficient, and proactive . . . or maybe it won’t. But if you’re going to criticize it, you owe the blog at least some level of detail and critical thought.
p>Of course, that’s giving EB the benefit of the doubt, presuming his intention is to offer analysis and insight. I now doubt that’s the case. It looks now like he’s pursuing a kitchen-sink strategy against elected officials with whom he disagrees ideologically. That’s why we’re now seeing him spew post after post, full of ad hominem attacks and baseless accusations and free of any evidence.
p>How long will he keep it up?
I can’t find specifics. Is this what we are talking about? This is not a volunteer program.
p>What does Deval expect from the Commonwealth Corps?
is that money for the Commonwealth Corps is in part made up of money that we normally had provided to other volunteer groups, but much of the state didn’t have necessary funding. What Deval did was centralize the process and placed it under his office. The Herald was a bit disingenuous is their description of the Governor’s spending, they did add that part of the money was going to Commonwealth Corps but didn’t elaborate that this was money already being spent. PP had complained about AmeriCorps funding was vetoed in a comment. But in reality he changed the process so that the entire state could get equal dollars.
not a big thing at all. same old thing with different name perhaps.
p>False hustle perhaps.
he wants to control the volunteer from the governor’s office. hmmmmm
Ernie, Deval has fewer people more skeptical than I — we all know that. And he’s spent too much of the last 17 months on the rhetorical hustle, but there’s nothing here. He centralized a bit, gave a new name to a new idea, and sure maybe some playgrounds will get painted. Some idealistic kids will have a minimal impact and feel overly good about themselves for having spent a week in Mattapan. So? Do you expect them to hand out campaign lit in between collecting trash?
p>I’m more curious about the DC office operation. More curious about Deval’s never-slaked thirst for gambling dens. More curious about his astounding out of state travel. More curious about big money giveaways called “film credits”. About his inaction on Cape Wind. About his inability to see his own priorities through the Legislature. About his eternal campaign committee that still blurs public and private lines.
p>But this is small potatoes, Ernie.
p>This is the cornerstone of his administartion? How about a real program?
p>This is just a Devalite recruitment project for the hopelessly naive happy dink white suburban recent college grad. People in Mattapan do not need their help.
How is this the “cornerstone” of his new administration? It’s a line item you’ve been going on about. The cornerstone is either casinos or life sciences, depending on where you stand. And for that matter, you can’t recruit people you already have — people dead serious on helping others will do City Year or Peace Corps, or something with some history.
p>Or thery may have jobs and families so even if they are dead serious they can help people without volunteering.
p>And is Commonwealth Corp only recruitong volunteers who are not dead serious?
… organized volunteerism. He just doesn’t want the government doing any part of the organizing.
just wondrin.
providing for the common defense was explicitly stated in the constitution, no?
kbr etc. also, military personnel are paid a pittance, hardly above the token wages americorp people get, considering the danger differential.
If it’s being done by a Democratic government, chances are that it won’t be organized.
but organizations like Americorp were still provided funding.
we provide money for volunteer programs, their value is discussed in the Citizen’s Service report in the previous link. But It’s not organized money is spent in a small areas and have different groups of people (let’s say more bureaucrats) are in the process for each organization. Instead we stretch those dollars by having less bureaucrats in the process since it’s now centralized in Deval’s office and the office makes the money decisions instead of these service groups. The Governor’s office has some incentive to make sure that all parts of the state get money. You are doing more with less.
You mean empower those who agree with far lefties and Devalites and marginalize those who don’t agree. Right?
p>OK I am for
Charter Schools
p>Performance based pay for teachers
p>Streamline municipal fire derpartments
p>Municipal employee benefits more in line with private sector
p>Will Commonwealth Corp give me a new venue to be heard?
p>It sounds like happy talk not based on reality.
p>But then again that is what “Together We Can” means. As long as by “We” you mean all those you agree completely with our lefty politics and by together we mean working to just promote lefty causes. And by “can’ you mean marginalizing all those who don’t agree.
p>Because that is what I have been seeing.
p>There is no room for disagreement in your Democratic Party.
It’s not nice. And there are Rules of the Road here on BMG.
Ugh, this is why I hate the MPP degree. It gives a bunch of morons a piece of paper that makes them think they have a clue. I think Ernie hit the nail here, our state is losing population in the droves, business are closing, crime is up, etc etc. The only way we will be able to solve real problems is buy lowering taxes so people can afford to live. I also think a big problem is the amount of illegal aliens in this state. They don’t help the economy, they take formerly decent paying jobs away from families.
p>You people don’t get it, I doubt you ever will. Do you understand how people can’t afford to live in this state anymore. In the business world when your losing you cut costs. Sometimes that means cutting staff or cutting programs. At the end of the day it gives you more revenue which keeps your business afloat. Eventually you will make the money back and when that happens you can invest in more things. Until that happens, you can’t spend more then you have.
p>I for one have no faith in the leaders of this state. They live in a dream world where they think they can make every idea they have a reality. We call them dreamers, but sometimes you need to think in reality. Our reality is this, were broke. Deval and his band of Tax Pixies (who all seem to be from everywhere but Mass) really need to get a clue. I am sick and tired of being broke and I am sure as hell sick of seeing my hard earned money go to the benefit of 5% of the states population and people who don’t even belong here.
p>On a side note if you think Deval’s ideas are so great take a look at his health insurance policy. I invite you to look at the amount of well paying hospital jobs that have been lost due to the fact that hospitals are losing money. I guess ruining people’s source of income is ok when it fits your agenda. I pray for the day when the people of this state get sick of your nonsense and riot on the streets.
It’s become a conservative reflex that lowering taxes solves all problems — and, as if to offer confirmation, your comment earned a 6 from at least one of our Republicans.
p>After a while, all you get with rock bottom taxes are a crumby infrastructure, a missing social safety net, and an unemployably uneducated workforce.
p>Great. That’s just what we need.
that tax receipts in the Commonwealth this year are higher than they’ve ever been right. And your guy Deval is spending it faster than a sailor in a Shanghai brothel. You need to admit to yourself that government is not the solution to every problem. It is not the Governments responsibility to provide jobs or volunteer opportunities to every tom dick and harry. I volunteer. I didn’t need a government program to get me to do it.
and all those contractors your guys managed so closely. Drunken like that?
p>We must all be Bushies becaue we we are not 100% behind Deval.
p>I love your logic.
Eabo Clipper throws out a lot of stuff to see whether it sticks. I’m not convinced that he necessarily believes any of it.
p>Add to that, turning a blind eye* to the contractor scandal in Iraq which wasted an immense amount of money is certainly a sign of indifference to “drunken sailor” spending — unless it can be turned into a useful sound bite. Sound bites work really well with tasty anecdotes and symbol-laden snippets, not with problems of the scope faced by state finances.
p>I respond to sound bites with counter sound bites. I hope that doesn’t upset you, EB.
That we are collecting more revenue this year than last and more than at any other point in the history of the Commonwealth? Sound bite or fact?
p>That you believe that Government can be used to cure societal problems instead of the private sector? Sound bite or fact?
p>That I volunteer without prodding by the government? Sound bite or fact?
p>I think all three were facts.
At least, I think that’s what all this tasty red herring requires.
p>A sound bite may be factual. The problem is when sound bites goad people into not analyzing.
p>I assume that what you mean by “societal problems” can be solved in a large number of agents. It’s not either-or.
p>I can play this too: Sound bite or fact? You have never condemned the poor management of contractors in Iraq.
Iraq has everything to do with Deval’s mismanagement of the largest tax revenues in Massachusetts history.
p>I don’t analyze, I don’t write ten page explanations of everything so what I say is not the truth or even if it is it’s not worthy of discussion. Isn’t it the point on a blog to be brief.
p>You have nothing so you are trying to deflect. Gotcha. Your guy is mismanaging this state into a self manufactured crisis.…
are higher today than they have ever been. Point now conceeded?
p>Deval Patrick stepped into office with a surplus. He has turned it into a deficit despite having the largest tax revenues in the commonwealth’s history to work with. If that is not mismanagement I don’t know what is…..
p>But of course it’s for the children right?
You’re skimming over all sorts of questions in your rapid rush to the very soundbity “it’s for the children right?”
p>Role of the legislature? Whether the increases make sense in the present economy? The use or misuse of rainy day fund money? Whether Patrick has focused on the biggest inefficiencies?
p>You don’t care about this. It’s all just oppo research. As soon as it sounds bad, that’s enough. You’re done.
First step is admitting you have a problem.
p>Armed with the largest treasury in the history of the state and Massachusetts as probably the single state in the US with an expanding economy we have:
p>–towns defaulting on debt and their Bonds with a speculative BB rating. Mismanagement? How can a governor allow towns to default in the richest state in the US?
p>–a state pension that’s underfunded by more than $13 billion and Public unions clawing at the door for a pension increase. Tell me, should Governor Patrick agree to an increase or not? And, if so, is it mismanagement to do so in absence of an offsetting revenue source? Not a rhetorical question.
p>–public debt per capita is one of the highest in the US., yet, we have accellerated bridge repair and increased debt per capita further. Mismanagement?
p>–a population that is flat but a government with an employee headcount that’s steadily growing. Does that make sense that government grows while citizenry shrinks?
p>–healthcare costs are amuck, and the govenor advocates a plan that is for practical purposes vetoed by the public unions.
p>–Then, don’t forget casinos. It may have been a lousy plan, but at least the Governor executed it poorly.
p>Are we at mismanagement yet?
But proving mismanagement on the part of the current governor is a higher bar to hop over. Some of the fiscal problems arise from previous governors, the irresponsibility of the legislature, the federal government, the economy, churn in the economy, and lack of political will to face problems.
p>Things like “Does that make sense that government grows while citizenry shrinks?” are questions. Only as innuendo or sound bites are they answers.
I think you made the case. We are at mismanagement.
provide a link that MA is one of the highest in paying taxes (we’re in the bottom quarter of the country), then provide a link on how we’re losing people in droves (last report the state population remained flat, even slightly higher), then provide a link to “Patrick’s health care”, show the link where he signed the legislation (Mitt signed it). This is not talk radio where you can just spew crap, you want to have a conversation then at least provide an argument.
I never said people are leaving, I never said taxes are the highest in the country. I know Mitt signed the universal health care bill. But we now have to fund it. Deval wants to fund it, right? Expand it?
Never mind
Your recent posts have been littered with false information and baseless accusations. They lend support to those who denigrate blogs as devoid of productive discussion, and drag down the discourse on BMG. Those are not personal comments, but my observation from reading your posts.
p>From this information, I also speculated as to your true intentions: to mindlessly attack your ideological opponents. Perhaps this is “personal”, but it’s not merely ad hominem. It’s very relevant to understanding where your posts are coming from.
As usual EB your wrong even when you may be right because you don’t have the facts to back it up as do some of your supporters
p>You are correct when you point to the energy crisis and the hyper inflation it has caused but please try to remember to separate the issues the State can effect an those of Federal policy lets face it no one in the world is going to believe anyone but King George and Queen Cheney has any thing to-do with a failed energy and foreign policy that has us all in Dutch. Lets not go down the road on their out of control spending (trillions) on the national debt has left us with little wiggle room to effect any serious recovery. They are just hoping and praying the band-aids and chewing gum holds till they get out of office and President McCain issues them all pardons.
p>Volunteerism’s has been a hit or miss effort all over the state and located primarily in urban areas. The need for a cohesive effort is important to bringing the same effort to all communities in the commonwealth. The program is in its start up phase and the results and report card are a little premature on your part. Lets look at the money your so worried about, $3 or $5 million (both are posted above not sure which is correct now) would likely mean the average family would see say, 5 dollars a year, how fast are you going to spend yours down at Honey Dew donuts EB. Instead if the system works you may see 10 times that in services returned and performed not a bad return on an investment in a bad economy. Maybe the New York speculators would like a piece of this action instead of running up commodities.
p>You are also very correct in one important point we are going to be facing, a real up hill climb in this recession but, cutting services at this time would only guarantee that fewer and fewer citizens have the opportunity to stay one step ahead of the tidal wave and are certain to be swept away. Then you will be facing real population loss and the loss of Companies and jobs that are unwilling to stay because of a lack of a real work force and an infrastructure that is sufficient to allow them to grow and prosper why wouldn’t they go somewhere else under those conditions. Lets face it Massachusetts is not going to attract southern retirees looking for cooler temps so the Florida model is out the window. Sure we are headed for some rough times, at least it looks that way, but I think it is premature of you to jump ship.
p>So EB and the rest I suggest you take a sea sic pill and hold on it will be the lefties that will do the work to keep the ship afloat and heading into port try to just keep your eyes focused on a single point it may help with your nausea.
p>As Usual Just my Opinions
p>What exactly are these kids with no real skills going to be doing that is goiug to give me an roi of ten times the initial investment/
p>BTW Ed, you never told us what your job is and how it is funded. Your salary comes from govt grants and other sources that are traced back to the taxpayers. Isn’t that correct Ed?
Woobin Centah. His statue is on the common right beside the funnel of the USS Maine.
Where’s your paycheck coming from oldtimer Government pension maybe Hummmmmm
p>As Usual Just my Opinion
Me all private sector baby.
p>now will you tell us where your dough comes drom.
p>I love your stereotypical generalizations.
p>Ed Quinn – The Wannabe Limousine Liberal from Woburn
We love your stereotypical generalizations too. They’re so very, very amusing!
you guys are all about non-generalizations. Except of course when it is about white ethnic catholic bostonians. Or of course anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Right?
p>No room for disagreement in the Democratic Party
but we are actually out to get you.
p>Only secretly, of course, do I make generalizations about white ethnic Catholic Bostonians. (I’d never write this but, did you know, they’re all white!?)
p>As for disagreement, yes, thank you for the reminder. I must now return to my vicious attack on Sabutai for his disloyalty to Gov. Patrick.
The arguments are all mostly about who hates taxes and liberals the most.
p>It’s great, especially if you have trouble with complex thought.
p>As a bonus, people that dare disagree with the powers that be are flogged. Who needs freedom of speech when you have WRKO?
Yeah, screw facts. Like the Democrat establishment keeping Cape Wind off the books for 8 years, while bush extended the tax credits and subsidies needed for it to work in this 2005 Energy Bill. Thanks, Uncle Ted!
I can think of lots of things that need funding. Why was this non-profit chosen to be the focus of Deval’s generosity? Something smells fishy. I am not saying the governor smells fishy, but something does. Yup, that’s fish all right.
there are two things that smell like tuna fish,
p>and one of those things is tuna fish.
p>(should be sung)
This is why I am really sick of the “New” Democrats. People have a right to their opinion, sometimes they may not have the same information as everyone else. Mass is losing population, read the paper. I never said Mass was the highest taxed state. I did say that I feel the taxes are high from my own personal account. Do you people tell voters to shut their mouths to when they give their views. You wonder why people hate Progressives, did you ever think it is because you talk down to people. Last time I checked, this was a free country with free speech. People can say things you disagree with but you know what, they have the right to. I am sick and tired of being talked down to by the Liberal elites. If I feel that I am being taxed to death, I have a right to say so. I am not a politician, I am a concerned citizen. With that said, I have a right to say what I want. Anyone who says otherwise is the problem, not the solution.
Please point to the place where anyone denied your right to say your opinion. If you can’t, please drop the ‘free speech’ rhetoric. You might also consider attending the blog workshop coming up. You could set up your own blog and enhance your use of free speech.
p>Gov. Casey was marginalized. Remember?
Besides… I was asking where it was that anyone was denying Mikael Imants’ speech.
He was not allowed to speak at the convention because many, not all, of the delegates did not agree with his position on abortion.
p>That is censorship Mr. Lynne.
… to speak at the convention. You might as well say that they are all censored. Or you could say that someone or some process has to choose who gets to speak on the convention stage and he wasn’t chosen. Nobody has an absolute right to the convention stage anymore than anyone has absolute free speech rights to your front porch, the White House briefing room, or the stage of an Aerosmith concert.
Wanna by the Tobin Bridge.
p>Please don’t insult me.
… asserting that anyone who wants to should be allowed to speak from the convention stage during the convention?
p>Don’t insult your own intelligence. You’re at least smarter than that.
the Governor Casey controversy?
… and we can assume because you and I know, that Casey was apparently able to exercise some free speech rights. You’re simply wrong on this:
p>Nobody has an absolute right to the convention stage.
Casey doesn’t have an absolute right to the convention stage.
The denial of Casey’s access to the convention stage is not evidence of any violation of his rights.
Governor Casey didn’t support the party nominee at the time (1992).
p>Will this idiotic charge never die?
Mikael Imants, you may have free speech, but we are not obliged to agree with you, we are not obliged to think that your opinions are well-informed or intelligent, nor are we obliged to like you.
Made a vow to not spend any negative energy replying to offensive or insulting comments and then you go ahead and write the calmest matter of fact reposte…….
What Judy Said
that Doug Rubin would jump into?