if he had been a hateful thug, i would have no sympathy for him, same as if finneran or travaglini had been caught doing these things. good riddance to bad rubbish. but if he had an extensive record of genuinely working hard to make mass a better state and his town a healthier place to live, i would cut him some hopefulness slack. at least until the facts were in.
The more appropriate question is: if this were a Republican, would EaBo be calling for their resignation?
is looking for excuses for something so mundane as signature counts for og. imagine if we were speaking of a beloved gop rep or sen with a long track record of accomplishment!
I have called for Glenn Murphy’s resignation from the YR National Board.
p>I have and will continue to call for Republican’s resignations when they are caught doing the same thing that Marzilli has been caught doing.
p>Y’all are hypocrites. Marzilli made a career pushing women’s rights amongst other things, all the while it looks like he was a serial abuser of women. Yet you cut him slack. this is the same sort of hypocrisy you accuse Larry Craig and others of.
yeee haaawww!!!!!!!!!
p>so much for the party of law and order.
between court of law and court of public opinion. Politics happens in the court of public opinion.
Convicted vs accused.
p>Investigated vs Unknown.
p>Sound bite vs careful thinking that one will believe in the day after tomorrow.
when the other 99% of your party joins you in demanding the resignations of Larry Craig, David Vitter (did you call for him to resign?), and the rest of your merrie band of hypocrites, we’ll start taking you seriously on this. I can promise you that Marzilli will not be receiving any standing ovations from rooms full of Democrats, as Vitter famously did from his Republican colleagues.
p>In any event, there’s no practical difference between Marzilli resigning and not seeking reelection because of the state of the election calendar. His seat could not be filled before November even if he resigned today, as I understand it. And it’s probably better for his constituents (who are not at fault here) for Marzilli’s staff to remain in place so that they can take care of constituent issues.
There is a difference between consensual exchange of money for sex (Vitter) and predatory, most definitely not consensual attempted molestation and unwanted sexual advances (Marzilli).
Most of the Republican’s in the Senate did call for his resignation as I recall.
Pressure built on Thursday when Nevada Sen. John Ensign said that Craig’s guilty plea makes it nearly impossible for him to remain in office. Ensign is in charge of the Republican Senate Campaign Committee, which seeks to put more party members in the Senate. A broader statement by Republican Senate leadership also is being considered, sources say.
Ensign stopped short of calling on the three-term senator to resign his seat, but strongly suggested he do so.
“I wouldn’t put myself hopefully in that kind of position, but if I was in a position like that, that’s what I would do,” Ensign told The Associated Press. “He’s going to have to answer that for himself.”
Ensign said Craig made his situation more difficult because he “admitted guilt, he pled guilty. It’s a little different situation than just being accused of something.”
Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., the first senator to call for Craig’s resignation on Wednesday, and Sen. Susan Collins both said they will be giving to charity $2,500 donations given to them from Craig. Coleman has said the money will go to Sharing and Caring Hands, a Minneapolis-based charity that helps the poor. The donation came from Craig’s political action committee, Alliance for the West.
they did call for the closeted faggot to resign. it was the adultering buyer of whore sex that they gave the jolly back slaps to. makes me wonder how many more closet cases ya got there.
there’s no practical difference between Marzilli resigning and not seeking reelection because of the state of the election calendar.
p>Senator Marzilli will be still be collecting a paycheck from the Commonwealth (and as has been posted, by serving one day in 2009 will be adding a year to his state pension).
p>I’ve seen repeated objections on this site to pensions and benefits for public sector workers making far less than a State Senator.
p>It is, at best, inappropriate for Senator Marzilli to “hang on” to an office that he has now clearly stated that through his own actions he is unable to hold.
p>It’s time for him to resign rather then to continue on the state payroll. As long as he remains in the office, this will be an isuue for him, his family and the constitutient groups he has represented over the years.
But he didn’t make a political career of opposing the fondling of strangers on the street.
Petition of Pamela P. Resor, Ruth B. Balser, Ellen Story, J. James Marzilli, Jr. and other members of the General Court for legislation to establish a campus rape and sexual assault prevention advisory council.
01/26/05 S Referred to the committee on Higher Education
01/26/05 H House concurred
Public Hearing date Jan 18 pm at 1:00 in Room A-2
03/16/06 S Accompanied a new draft, see S2408 -SJ 1561
that he had voted against it?
try seeing it through the trees.
Responses to my earler comment suggest that the irony was lost in the internet, likely due to my own opacity.
p>Trying a different tack: You can only be labelled a “hypocrite” if you maintain that certain conduct is beyond the pale.
p>My primary issue with Republicans is the actions that they hold to be beyond the pale, not that they hold certain actions to be beyond the pale.
p>When criticism of the Senator on account of what he is alleged to have done is muted because “we Democrats don’t make a political career out of sticking our nose in other people’s sexuality” it implies very strongly that the Senator’s actions were an expression of sexual liberation, oppressed by puritanical Republicans, rather than, say, criminal assault.
p>Some things are simply wrong, and a politician need not be perfect in order to so opine.
All I want for Christmas is an edit function.
The commentary would be more harsh. Not a lot more harsh, but more harsh.
The evidence seems strong that Marzilli has at least a recent problem with sexual behavior. That recent behavior appears to be recurrent. Until something changes, he is a menace.
Marzilli had done a lot of good in the legislature.
Many have worked with him over the years and no on has reported such behavior. However, that doesn’t mean it didn’t occur as sometimes such behavior is carefully hidden. Lack of evidence here does not constitute evidence, either. We just don’t know for sure whether this is all recent or mostly covert. For everyone’s sake, one can hope it is mostly recent.
From where I sit, it’s difficult to determine culpability. I’m inclined to believe that something did happen in Arlington, so there was some kind of irresponsibility that led to it not being dealt with before the Lowell incident.
The problem may or may not be medical. It may or may not be result of a chemical addiction.
After the Arlington incident, anonymously sourced comments about Marzilli did give the appearance of being smears. It’s still difficult to determine whether these anonymously sourced comments were accurate or exaggerated as I don’t even know for sure what the comments were or what the Senator’s behavior was back then.
I believe in equal treatment under the law and I don’t think sterling progressives should get special treatment.
if he had been a hateful thug, i would have no sympathy for him, same as if finneran or travaglini had been caught doing these things. good riddance to bad rubbish. but if he had an extensive record of genuinely working hard to make mass a better state and his town a healthier place to live, i would cut him some hopefulness slack. at least until the facts were in.
The more appropriate question is: if this were a Republican, would EaBo be calling for their resignation?
is looking for excuses for something so mundane as signature counts for og. imagine if we were speaking of a beloved gop rep or sen with a long track record of accomplishment!
I have called for Glenn Murphy’s resignation from the YR National Board.
p>I have and will continue to call for Republican’s resignations when they are caught doing the same thing that Marzilli has been caught doing.
p>Y’all are hypocrites. Marzilli made a career pushing women’s rights amongst other things, all the while it looks like he was a serial abuser of women. Yet you cut him slack. this is the same sort of hypocrisy you accuse Larry Craig and others of.
yeee haaawww!!!!!!!!!
p>so much for the party of law and order.
between court of law and court of public opinion. Politics happens in the court of public opinion.
Convicted vs accused.
p>Investigated vs Unknown.
p>Sound bite vs careful thinking that one will believe in the day after tomorrow.
You’re practically turning backflips over this.
when the other 99% of your party joins you in demanding the resignations of Larry Craig, David Vitter (did you call for him to resign?), and the rest of your merrie band of hypocrites, we’ll start taking you seriously on this. I can promise you that Marzilli will not be receiving any standing ovations from rooms full of Democrats, as Vitter famously did from his Republican colleagues.
p>In any event, there’s no practical difference between Marzilli resigning and not seeking reelection because of the state of the election calendar. His seat could not be filled before November even if he resigned today, as I understand it. And it’s probably better for his constituents (who are not at fault here) for Marzilli’s staff to remain in place so that they can take care of constituent issues.
There is a difference between consensual exchange of money for sex (Vitter) and predatory, most definitely not consensual attempted molestation and unwanted sexual advances (Marzilli).
Most of the Republican’s in the Senate did call for his resignation as I recall.
they did call for the closeted faggot to resign. it was the adultering buyer of whore sex that they gave the jolly back slaps to. makes me wonder how many more closet cases ya got there.
sorry for any confusion
p>Senator Marzilli will be still be collecting a paycheck from the Commonwealth (and as has been posted, by serving one day in 2009 will be adding a year to his state pension).
p>I’ve seen repeated objections on this site to pensions and benefits for public sector workers making far less than a State Senator.
p>It is, at best, inappropriate for Senator Marzilli to “hang on” to an office that he has now clearly stated that through his own actions he is unable to hold.
p>It’s time for him to resign rather then to continue on the state payroll. As long as he remains in the office, this will be an isuue for him, his family and the constitutient groups he has represented over the years.
But he didn’t make a political career of opposing the fondling of strangers on the street.
that he had voted against it?
try seeing it through the trees.
Responses to my earler comment suggest that the irony was lost in the internet, likely due to my own opacity.
p>Trying a different tack: You can only be labelled a “hypocrite” if you maintain that certain conduct is beyond the pale.
p>My primary issue with Republicans is the actions that they hold to be beyond the pale, not that they hold certain actions to be beyond the pale.
p>When criticism of the Senator on account of what he is alleged to have done is muted because “we Democrats don’t make a political career out of sticking our nose in other people’s sexuality” it implies very strongly that the Senator’s actions were an expression of sexual liberation, oppressed by puritanical Republicans, rather than, say, criminal assault.
p>Some things are simply wrong, and a politician need not be perfect in order to so opine.
All I want for Christmas is an edit function.
The commentary would be more harsh. Not a lot more harsh, but more harsh.
p>This should be unsurprising.
We were acting huffy about not being able to wonder about the medical context. No one was trying to force you to buy it.
p>Are you just skimming this stuff for gotchas?
But also, don’t dismiss the possibility of alien mind control. The similarities are striking.
This is what I believe about this stuff: