I recently wrote that Judge Linda Giles chastised Carl Sciortino in open court by insinuating that he could be charged with perjury by claiming his signatures were stolen.
Upon investigation I have learned that Judge Giles did not say or hint at such a thing. She merely raised an eyebrow when Sciortino’s lawyer was claiming they were stolen and not lost. Judges do that every minute of every day
Probably 80% of Carl’s fellow and reps and senators said “there but for the grace of God go I”.
Sorry Carl.
Carry On
Please share widely!
So, Ernie, carry on.
There are digital tears shining in the eyes of the virtual multitude. Carry on.
kids say I’m sorry 20x a day
I find, in dealing with abusive parents or spouses, most never admit anything. They accept no responsibility. They never say they are sorry. EVERYTHING is someone else’s fault.
p>So to publicly admit one is wrong is, in my view, a mature and somewhat unusual act. It shows what I think of as moral fiber and character.
p>But then, as a parent I believe in “building fortitude” and “teaching a work ethic” and that one’s children must clean up their own messes.
p>Too bad more adults don’t practice that, don’t you think?
p>I note that one of the signal management axioms from the Bush administration is to reward those who do a terrible job, thereby avoiding taking responsibility for appointing hacks.
Ernie, thank you for the apology, but I really hope you remember this in the future. So far, you have claimed that Carl was endorsed by the Mass Socialist Party (not true), that he blamed his circumstances on City Hall (not true), and then this false perjury charge. That said, I believe you’re sincere in your apology and expect to see more accurate posts from you in the future.
Piss Off!
of America Boston Chapter are different from the Mass Socialist Party.
We settled that in the thread. Somehow you think that makes a difference.
p>Like if you told me had Charley was a professional boxer and I found out instead he was a professional kick boxer cage my amazement would not be any less and I would call or think you a liar.
p>Nice linear thinking there, Mr. “let’s change the voting rules in Somervile so we can be more like Cambridge”