During the 85-day trip, I will be meeting with LGBT community organizers, activists, and any citizens willing to talk. Through these interviews, I will gain an understanding of the current political climates, and explore ways of combating discrimination. Throughout my journey, I will make frequent posts on the website, including photos and video clips.
The project will culminate with a documentary of my experience, with the aim of activating a discussion about potential strategies for ensuring equality.
Be sure to check out www.DrivingEquality.com for more information. I am looking for people to talk with all over the country. If you are interested in learning more, or becoming part of the project, send me an email at Chris@DrivingEquality.com.
Check out this recent article in Bay Windows newspaper about Driving Equality.
Driving Equality Across America.
Chris Mason
sorry, but that doesn’t add up. Granted, even just sitting in one place like me has a negative impact, but driving 15000 miles is driving 15000 miles no matter how many carbon offsets you buy. That’s probably 1000 gallons of gas. That said, have fun, say hi to the kids in Rapid City, don’t miss Flagstaff (Monte Vista Lounge!), and watch out for staties in Oklahoma (just tell them “no, you can’t search my car”).
You’re a great ambassador. I am a former MEq vol who saw you in full canvassing action, so I know you’ll be fantastic at this form of outreach and analysis.
p>Will you be wearing or driving anything that might induce the average person to strike up a conversation with you? I recently met the couple who were Two Women & a Poodle aka Gay into Straight America. As their title implies, they had their standard poodle with them, and said that she was frequently the ice breaker that allowed people to approach them closely enough to read their t-shirts, or just get talking (“where y’all from, what brought you all the way from Washington”…).
I am thinking about having a Driving Equality logo magnet for the car. But mostly I am asking everyone I know to ask everyone they know, in every part of the country, if they would like to be part of the project. Do you know people in other states that might be interested in talking? Chris@DrivingEquality.org
try cross-posting to pam’ s house blend. the blog has a heavy lgbt and poeple of color readership from across the continent, as far as i can tell. including the south (pam is from nc). you might get some interesting leads that way.
p>as for people i know personally, i think they’re already plugged into mass eq. type orgs and would already know of your plans if you’ve contact those main state groups. but if you haven’t already, you might contact equal rights washington to see who in eastern washington (in particular) might benefit from a visit. erw’s advocacy director is none other than josh friedes. tell him laurel sent ya! đŸ™‚
I’m glad to see you back around. I’ve missed your old blog and email blasts.