As many here know, we have tried to make BMG a place where people of widely different views feel comfortable. Raillery and badinage are our high Scrabble-value watchwords: vigorous debate, yes; foul language, personal attacks, and insults, no. Some may recall our, “Calling all Republicans,” post after Governor Patrick’s momentous victory. Many responded (maybe all?). In any event, we are grateful for our lively group of differently-winged contributors.
We don’t consider our inclusiveness altruistic. We consider it pragmatic. Our goal here is to energize the progressive political base in Massachusetts and everywhere else we can. The best way to do that is with the best arguments. The best arguments come from the most vigorous debate.
All of which is to say that while the three of us have endorsed Senator Obama and are happy he is the nominee, we respect those who favor other candidates, from Senator Clinton to Senator McCain to Bob Barr, Ralph Nader, Steve Kubby, George Phillies and everyone else. Thank you for your contributions. We welcome your continued vigorous participation in the discussion.
The Lakers, however, must be crushed, and the Yankees, needless to say, suck.
eaboclipper says
johnk says
my second favorite candidate this year. Maybe be can help Obama take GA.
the-editors says
stomv says
Bob Barr for President
howardjp says
how dare they, offering “Change” as their platform. Just because they have repudiated their “Devil Rays” past, doesn’t mean that it won’t be used against them as this year’s American League campaign goes forward.
p>Stick with “experience”, the Boston Red Sox have been there, they will represent our league well, and millions of supporters of Red Sox Nation around the country have come out of support them. It is uncertain whether the Rays have any support in critical “swing” states.
p>I suggest that the MLB Rules Committee meet forthwith and restrict this Florida team to half a win in each successful win, the same should be true for Detroit, which may be lagging, but still hosts a potentially powerful team.
p>Sox in 2008!
howardjp says
mike-from-norwell says
Being a Twins fan as well as a Red Sox fan, find it a little heartwarming that the Rays and Marlins have both been competitive this year despite entire payrolls under ARod’s salary. I know that RSN likes to portray ourselves as the underdog to the Evil Empire down the way, but realistically we’re not too far away from them in the eyes of the rest of the country (and I’m not quite sure that this is healthy around here in that I basically am looking at $500 to take my family to the fabled old park for a game – thank the lord for the Brockton Rox). Would really like to see the Rays continue at this level through this season; maybe money isn’t everything in baseball.
howardjp says
but I do appreciate that a lot of players are coming up through the system — Ellsbury, Masterson, Hansen, Manny Del, with more — Lowrie, Moss, Bowden, etc – coming. Keeps us out of the FA market except for certain needs. The salary scale is still wacky though, with Pap, Youk and other younguns still waiting for their payday. No wonder they go for the dollars when they can.
thinkingliberally says
…this would only work if the Devil Rays first agreed that no team should play their first game of the season prior to April 1, was in agreement with the punishment that would come, then changed their mind after the fact because they were so suprised at being in first place (no more), then somehow managed to persuade the world of the huge offense that was taking place… even though they were the ones who helped make the rules to begin with.
p>…oh right… sorry…
howardjp says
I’m sticking with baseball/basketball this week as a decompressor, though my CD keeps playing “No Retreat, No Surrender” and “Not Ready to Make Nice”. đŸ™‚
p>A Draft Ed Rendell movement would be cool … or Jerry Abramson of Louisville, someone who’s accomplished real things at the state/local levels.
shawnh says
The Rays might then argue that they should be given more wins and therefore first place because they have done better than other teams in games played in big stadiums, even though their overall record falls short.
lasthorseman says
As I have to be the most radical of any who dwell here.
My worldview crosses all mainstream political lines. I have had the most valued experience of de-programming via an expat assignment. I make my claim based upon David Rothkopf’s Superclass that governments have been made irrelevant and in our case completely compromised to reflect only the interests and wants of supra-national globalist entities.
p>I am also a victim of 2006 and that “sweeping” Democratic victory. Ya, no war criminals were harmed in this event!
p>McSame is a liberal and Obama is the love child of the globalists. Let me know how you like not taking daily hot showers this winter cause oil heat will be too expensive for those unemployment checks.
p>Our government did 911
Obama will end the United States
By 2010 you will get paid(maybe) in Ameros.
Get your health care issues straight now.
sabutai says
I’ve resisted your bait for years now, but at some point the dam breaks.
p>Every prediction you’ve made, from invading Iran to the superhighway connecting Mexico to Canada, has failed to come true. You’ve never even explained why it would be so horrible to merge currencies with our neighbors…far worse for them to subsume themselves to the American economic behemoth than for us.
p>Many of your sources are one link away from seething racism that is predicated more on ignorance and fear of Hispanics than anything else. It’s not pro-America…it’s anti non-white.
p>Your conspiracy theories re: the Illuminati, Bilderberg Group, Saurian Overlords, and whatever else have little backing them, and you refuse to actually explain them even when requested. A YouTube of a raver with no factual backup is not proof.
p>This ongoing effort to use false information to justify the ludicrous notion that the American government managed 9/11 is further insulting to everyone affected that day.
p>Not to mention your habit of labelling anybody or anything you don’t like as “evil” if not downright “Satanic”. You insist on apocalyptic imagery even though by your own admission you don’t believe in it.
p>Radical I don’t mind…an unmoored raving at reality disguised as an ideology, I do. I don’t really mind you posting here, but there are reasons so little of what you say is taken seriously.
tom-m says
I’ve always assumed that this was more of a shtick than any real ideology. I’m picturing some college student in his dorm room thinking “Alright, what kind of nonsense can I post today to get those liberals all riled up?”
lasthorseman says
these days as to what is reality. Stayed tuned for the long version of what will be my “see ya, wouldn’t want to be ya” goodbye diary.
p>I have never, ever brought up anything known as Saurian overlords as I have never heard of it.
p>Our own state department is right now advising US citizens that small skirmishes between “drug lords” are taking place on the Mexican border areas.
p>Three skyscrapers came down on 911 at near free fall speed. The steel was then wisked away to China and rubble complete with body parts was used to fill in NYC potholes. The aftermath led to the largest increase in defense spending ever. The architects, highly placed memebers of the Bush administration, belonged to the Project for a New American Century. How convienient that website is now down.
jimkiely1960 says
If there actually was a presidential candidate that aspired to any degree of progressive idealism it was Democrat Dennis Kucinich of Ohio.
p>Gay rights, elimination of the Patriot Act, withdrawal from Iraq post haste, repeal of idiotic marijuana laws, absolute protection of abortion rights, development of alternative energy sources, re-orchestration of US policies toward Israel and Palestinians…. I mean, I could go on and on.
p>Obama and Clinton? Nothing. No substance, no courage, nothing but canned, planned blather. Neither of the two exhibited the will, the desire or the courage to fight against the cultural fossilization of our country or the corporate stranglehold over our democratic-in-name-only political system.
p>Somehow, once again, we have wound up with two blocks of cheese running for president – Obama and McCain.
mplo says
p>Is absolutely and totally spot-on, imo.
fort-orange says
How’s Big Papi’s wrist doing? đŸ˜‰
johnk says
from last place?
fort-orange says
david says
that two of this year’s presidential candidates are named “Kubby” and “Phillies.”
lanugo says
I know I really needed a place to vent and discuss politics as not enough of the people I know care as much about it and public policy, and are as well informed, if maybe a little wacked (as am I), as those here do.
p>Thanks for all you have done in creating a vibrant on-line community.