There is currently a discussion going on here regarding abortion and John McCain.
This has motivated me to throw my opinion in your faces. If you chose to read. It is your right you know.
A woman should have a right to choose. I don’t believe we should legislate that choice. But there is only one choice. Yet there seems to be the opinion among progressives that if you do not cheer a woman for having the courage to exercise her right and have an abortion then you are a cave-man like conservative with the incapacity to think critically?
Let’s not kid ourselves. It is morally wrong.
When Murphy Brown said “I chose to have this baby.” I was disgusted.
(Dan Quayle was right re: Murphy Brown – and BTW – did you know the spelling card they gave him at the infamous spelling bee spelled potato with an “e”? It is spelled that way in many supermarkets. Was he set up?)
When Jerry on “Seinfeld” was amazed that George Kastanza never got a woman pregnant before – “You never got one by the goalie?” – I was disgusted. The implication is that Jerry, and most men I guess, have had to pay for more than one woman’s abortion.
This is the message being sent .
Abortion is like plastic surgery or going to the dentist or getting your car washed.
There are no heroes here.
BTW Planned Parenthood is nothing more than a money making operation funded by women making the wrong choice.
BTW2 – what happened to insane killer John Salvi was sin. If he shot a bunch of nuns or Catholic priests or Boy Scouts he would have gotten his insanity plea most likely without a trial, and put away.
When you say “Let’s not kid ourselves. It is morally wrong”, what is “it”? Is it the abortion that is morally wrong or is it “the opinion among progressives” to which you refer in the preceding sentence?
p>Is the statement “Abortion is like plastic surgery or going to the dentist or getting your car washed” the predicate of “This is the message being sent”, or do you believe that abortion is indeed like plastic surgery, etc?
p>I’d also say to those who say abortions are morally wrong, judge lest ye be judged. It’s pretty easy to say abortion is morally wrong, even for anti-abortion women who’ve had abortions, but it’s even easier for men to say given that they will never have to face such a choice.
p>I’d agree that a case could be made for abortion being morally wrong, but I’d say if I was going to play that game of making a moral judgement on what an “immoral” abortion was that the degrees of right and wrong have to be examined on a case-by-case basis. But I’m not so much in the business of caring as to why an individual made such a difficult personal choice.
If EVER there was a Progressive credo! Ah, Freud says there are no accidents….
p>One thing that fascinates me – ‘women’ won’t vote for McCain because he is pro-life. As if ALL women are pro-choice. I personally know at least a dozen – many Democrats – even here in Mass. who are pro-life and vote that way.
p>I’m pro-choice myself, but I’m not dumb enough to treat a gender as a monolith.
Neither am I. Women will vote for McCain, but Obama has a 13 point advantage with women right now. I’d expect the majority of women who consider women’s issues when voting to vote Obama in November.
lame man, really lame.
…is reserved for the privacy of my home. And it’s always consensual.
Has zippo to do with abortion, though, and more to do with all of the advantages he has presently, overall.
Perhaps it was a talking point desperately in search of an opportunity.
ranting the credo that lets you stay in a safe mental place.
p>Unless you can actively participate you cannot judge morality? Who can judge who then? Only poor black people can judge those rioting after the Rodney King verdict?
p>Only poor white people from South Bosotn can judge those throwing rocks at school buses in the 70s?
p>Only chld molesters should judge child molesters then?
p>I can judge. I don’t mind being judgemental. That’s what we do. That’s what this blog does. You are judging me tblade.
p>Show some balls you progressives. Let me here you say that abortion is morally wrong (with exceptions) yet we need to keep it legal.
p>That is my view.
p>Cowards or tools or just selfish, you tell me what it means to be a progressive nowadays.
To clarify my point about judging, you’re free to judge women who have abortions all you want, I’m just saying it’s easier to judge these people than to have empathy for them and and consider the pressures they face on all sides.
Starty naming them tblade.
I was being too subtle – the quote (from the Bible of all places!) is Judge NOT Lest Ye Be Judged….or sometimes, As Ye Judge, So Also Will Ye BE Judged….
p>THAT’S what I meant by a progressive credo…Judge, Before Anyone Else Judges YOU, which is what Blade wrote…
In my Old-Tymey English grammar class. Unlike certain other denizens of BMG, I was not alive when the English of the KJV was considered standard, every-day English. For some people around here, saying “I did Shakespeare in high school” has nothing to do with their involvement with the drama club.
p>Is it judgmental of me to crack wise about people’s age around here?
p>”My parents will be mad”
p>”I’ll have to give-up school for awhile”
p>”I can’t afford it”
p>”The fathers a creep”
p>”It wilkl hurt my career now”
p>”I just don’t want a baby”
p>Your right tblade. Difficult decisions.
I had no idea that the complications of the decision to terminate a pregnancy could be boiled down to such a finite set of factors. Thanks for bringing clarity to this issue.
I’m use to hearing that.
p>Tomorrow we will have a chat about flouride in your drinking water. Wait ’til you hear what i have to say.