The families of the two Boston firefighters killed in the restaurant blaze last year are suing the restaurant owner and others.
Sounds crazy? Perhaps. According to the investigation report one firefighter was intoxicated and was unable to follow a hose to safety like the two other firefighters with him. The intoxicated firefighter followed the right hose but in the wrong direction. Did alcohol contribute to his death? Who knows?
Wait. Dan Conley knows. His investigation, according to today’s Globe, ruled that nothing about the toxicology reports showed evidence that contributed to the firefighters’ deaths.
Dan is such a sackless tool. The firemen won’t let him climb on the trucks anynmore if he doesn’t tow the line.
The other firefighter was in a different room and died instantly when a fire ball/explosion from the grease in the vents suddenly engulfed him. Toxicology showed he had ingested cocaine within the previous 20 days.
I give the guy who did coke within the last month and standing at the wrong place at the wrong time ( as much as one in his profession can be) a free pass. The other guy…..
But that’s not the point of this post. My real point is to compare the outrage the public has/will have toward these families for suing for money from possibly grossly negligent parties to the outrage that people had against the poor/homeless/perhaps mentally disabled/drug addicted couple who accidentally started the fire in Worcester that killed six firefighters a few years back.
Remember how the public and the D.A. (not Dan Conley) wanted to lock them up for life because they did not stay to tell the firemen that the building was empty so there was no need to go in.
They were homeless in a poor city in very very large multi floor vacant building. How did they know who was in there? There was not a register at the front desk for the guests each evening.
See how people do not care about civil rights and locking people up, especially poor people.
But if you mention going after a person who committed a wrong for money to make up for that wrong then you are a bad person.
It’s all about the Benjamins for the people on the side lines too.
Never mind civil rights.