For the love of God. They were funny once or twice. Now they are just 30-second monstrosities. The T-Mobile couch-surfer pseudo ads also are very weak. The Taco Bell rappers too, in fact. Come to think of it, all these ads blow.
p>The Celtics, however, are looking strong! Great to see Garnett on his game. I think Pierce will warm up. I hope Allen can get his eye working again. A scratched cornea really hurts, if that is what he has got.
Idiotic question by reporter: “How do you guys have the energy?”
p>Pierce, “This is the NBA finals, and we’re at home! What do you expect!”
p>I didn’t think it was possible to make He Who Must Not Be Named look astute, but by comparison with that question, even his debate coverage looks like the work of a Nobel Prize winner.
And I would have loved to hear him then look in the camera and say:
p>”America — do you know someone in the crowd tonight? If so, call them on their cell right now and tell them Paul Pierce asked them to cheer even louder in the second half.”
p>That would’ve been amazing.
that I like best so far is watching Posey and House kick ass. We have the bench.
p>Great rebound and lay up by Perk near the end of the first.
p>Cant get cocky — just cant do it. Point swings come too fast.
… Not having the typical ‘Boston-sports-fan its-too-close-and-karma-will-deny-us-again‘ anxiety, lets me stay coherent when commenting on other posts tonight.
As much as I enjoy a closely fought contest, it’s kind of nice to be able to savor the anticipation of the win.
p>I think a 35 point lead with 4:01 left is pretty safe.
p>This decade will go down as the good old days in Boston sports. Championships in 3 of 4 major pro sports this decade, not bad. Any chance we can get the Bruins stacked for at least one season? And maybe the Revolution can win whatever you call the MLS championship thingy?
What a way to win it. That was awesome on every level.
I was bummed when they lost in LA but the energy of having them win at home was priceless. Good effort from the whole team and one of the high points was letting the bench warmers come in and play the last 4 minutes, something they will remember forever too.
that June 17 will now be the anniversary of something other than the 1986 draft…
Boston. It was a fun appropriately celebratory parade. Lots of kids– well run. Part of me hopes the newspapers will devote columns to the Celts a little while longer. I lost my cable for much of the mid season so I missed a lot of the work when they developed the team. I dont even think they had their hardened team together until midway through the detroit series. LA wasnt as bad as they looked. The Celts had finally developed an overwhelming defensifstlye from all players that they perfected in the middle of the detoit series…
Fantastic season and championship. If I could change one thing, when the trophy was given to the Celts by Stern at the end of Game 6, I would have invited Russell, Havlicek, Heinsohn, White, Maxwell, Sanders and any other Celtics from the former championship teams to come up and bestow their “legacy good wishes” on the 2008 champs! One or two of them could have made brief remarks about rekindling the Tradition of Celtic Pride, passing the torch to a new generation, etc. It’s too bad they didn’t do it because these guys were all present in the Garden. It would have been classy and it would have been incredibly moving. They could have stood in symbolically for Red.
For the love of God. They were funny once or twice. Now they are just 30-second monstrosities. The T-Mobile couch-surfer pseudo ads also are very weak. The Taco Bell rappers too, in fact. Come to think of it, all these ads blow.
p>The Celtics, however, are looking strong! Great to see Garnett on his game. I think Pierce will warm up. I hope Allen can get his eye working again. A scratched cornea really hurts, if that is what he has got.
Has NBA Player pinning Parking Lot Guy to the wall of the garage with his front bumper.
I laugh every time Charles Barkley says he needs socks for his footsies.
That one is a good one.
best line from another T-Mobile ad w/ Barkley.
Idiotic question by reporter: “How do you guys have the energy?”
p>Pierce, “This is the NBA finals, and we’re at home! What do you expect!”
p>I didn’t think it was possible to make He Who Must Not Be Named look astute, but by comparison with that question, even his debate coverage looks like the work of a Nobel Prize winner.
And I would have loved to hear him then look in the camera and say:
p>”America — do you know someone in the crowd tonight? If so, call them on their cell right now and tell them Paul Pierce asked them to cheer even louder in the second half.”
p>That would’ve been amazing.
that I like best so far is watching Posey and House kick ass. We have the bench.
p>Great rebound and lay up by Perk near the end of the first.
p>Cant get cocky — just cant do it. Point swings come too fast.
still half the game to play. B
the back passes. Play like the game is even.
Who secretly replaced the Lakers with the NY Knicks?
… Not having the typical ‘Boston-sports-fan its-too-close-and-karma-will-deny-us-again‘ anxiety, lets me stay coherent when commenting on other posts tonight.
33 point exit poll lead
As much as I enjoy a closely fought contest, it’s kind of nice to be able to savor the anticipation of the win.
p>I think a 35 point lead with 4:01 left is pretty safe.
p>This decade will go down as the good old days in Boston sports. Championships in 3 of 4 major pro sports this decade, not bad. Any chance we can get the Bruins stacked for at least one season? And maybe the Revolution can win whatever you call the MLS championship thingy?
They just showed a Celtics Please Don’t Riot After We Win PSA.
Some deluded co-worker didn’t want the tickets he had, so I got an urgent phone call @ 5 pm asking if I still had binoculars….
p>Hope he’s careful coming back to the Cape!
“Democrats, please celebrate this win with dignity. No flipping over Jeeps in Kenmore Square and burning cars at Northeastern, ok?”
Teanwork is unstoppable!
What a way to win it. That was awesome on every level.
I was bummed when they lost in LA but the energy of having them win at home was priceless. Good effort from the whole team and one of the high points was letting the bench warmers come in and play the last 4 minutes, something they will remember forever too.
that June 17 will now be the anniversary of something other than the 1986 draft…
Boston. It was a fun appropriately celebratory parade. Lots of kids– well run. Part of me hopes the newspapers will devote columns to the Celts a little while longer. I lost my cable for much of the mid season so I missed a lot of the work when they developed the team. I dont even think they had their hardened team together until midway through the detroit series. LA wasnt as bad as they looked. The Celts had finally developed an overwhelming defensifstlye from all players that they perfected in the middle of the detoit series…
Fantastic season and championship. If I could change one thing, when the trophy was given to the Celts by Stern at the end of Game 6, I would have invited Russell, Havlicek, Heinsohn, White, Maxwell, Sanders and any other Celtics from the former championship teams to come up and bestow their “legacy good wishes” on the 2008 champs! One or two of them could have made brief remarks about rekindling the Tradition of Celtic Pride, passing the torch to a new generation, etc. It’s too bad they didn’t do it because these guys were all present in the Garden. It would have been classy and it would have been incredibly moving. They could have stood in symbolically for Red.