Listening to Michael Graham today in the car and heard a totally grotesque “comedy” clip. It was supposed to be a union dock worker who was threatening to kill Obama’s grandmother if he didnt pick Hillary. It featured the voice of a scared old woman in Hawaii. I dont think these things should be let to slide–No matter who you support for president
I pulled over and called them
WTKK phone is Telephone – 617.822.9600. You press 1 and tell the switchboard operator what you are calling about.
This is an email address
I dont know if anyone has a clip of this.
Please share widely!
bob-neer says
And post it if you can. RedLasso is an excellent tool that archives TV broadcasts. I don’t know if there is anything comparable for radio, or perhaps they do radio too.
cadmium says
some other stuff out there but it is part of an intimidation strategy by right-wing media that is easy to spot.
p>I just signed up for redlasso and am waiting to be approved. I dont do much on computer beyond typing so I may not get the clip. WIll give it a shot if I get approved. It was at about 11:30 or 11:45 am.
lightiris says
if you can find it.
p>As an aside, is it just me or is there something up with your title?
cadmium says
impulsively. I was really P.O’d and had just gotten out of my car. I am pretty primitive with video/computer stuff so I am not hopeful that I will be able to get a clip. I did let a media person at a newspaper know.