2. the public spectacle of having all your family secrets being exposed in depositions and trial and Wendy Murphy yapping it about to whomever will listen.
Wendy knows how to get publicity and knows how to yell. This is legal blackmail and she is a disgrace to the profession and to New England School of Law. Her m.o. is to swoop on “victims” like the ambulance chaser she is and attack the ethics and motives of anyone on the other side. She blasts Gerry Leone as being too much of a Dem because he rightfully did not go forward in the first case. Martha Coakley doesn’t know what she is doing because she legitimate questioned Jessica’a Law. Sal DiMasi is in the back pocket of the criminal defense bar.
What the hell is victim’s law? It is a false hustle phony baloney area of practice. Every criminal lawyer has represented victims and followed through with a civil suit, either by them or by another attorney. Commonly done.
Oliver Wendy however is all about public humiliation. And because Oliver Wendy doesn’t care that she constantly humiliates herself to those in the legal profession she takes people down with her. Only she gets $$$$$/
I call on BMGer’s, especially you lawyers out there, to use this unfortunate case to expose this anti-intellectual demagogue I call Oliver Wendy Murphy. Listen closely to her on Finneran’s show, on the talking heads shows, and anywhere else. Take notes. She constantly slanders people and says other inappropriate things for an attorney. New England Law School should be kept abreast by alumni of her quasi-legal ramblings. WRKO and MSNBC (I think) management should know of her many misstatements. (She accused Mayor Menino of being lazy and not a hard worker the other day) She says things off the cuff that are not only ridiculous but believed by people who wouldn’t know otherwise.
Let’s do to her what she wants to do to Marzilli’s wife and kids. Make her life miserable by telling the truth.
Can’t find a way to link it but you can see it on the cartoon network.
p>As Wikipedia is opensource I am posting the whole article.
p>It is hilarious.
Like who is Wendy Murphy, and what has she done to make you hate her so much. I ask in all honesty. You post is so insider-y that it wouldn’t surprise me if only PP understands what you’re babbling on about. And, can you POSSIBLY link to any pertinent articles to back up or beef up your assertions?
You want this exultant and lyrical ode to schadenfreude to be more accurate so that we can all share in the lip-smacking drama of despicable-to-Ernie people suffering.
p>You sure?
sure i’m not sure. my request was rhetorical, meant to remind ernie that convoluted and obtuse tantrum diaries are pointless. except perhaps as a catharsis to the author. i hope he feels better already. must have been that bad guacamole….
So now there is no need for you to read what I write.
p>Good bye
feel better soon!
p>2. Article – were those Duke University students Wendy Murphy’s victims too? http://www.renewamerica.us/col…
p>3. A Durham, N.C. bloggger chronicles Wendy Murphy’s shenanigans: http://durhamwonderland.blogsp…
p>4. Analysis of Wendy Mprhy’s impact on the Rape Shield law debate: http://www.fatherhoodcoalition…
p>5. On line rebuttal calling Wendy Murphy’s actions a “witch hunt” in 2001: http://www.cyberussr.com/hcunn…
p>6. Compendium of online Wendy Murphy quotes:
p>I think that is enough. Read away and make up your own mind folks.
p>Disclosure: A] I do not do criminal law. B] I do not know Wendy Murphy – never met this woman. C] I have heard her on Finneran’s forum being talked about in a way I would find demeaning [as his pajama buddy, etc.] D] At this point in my life and career, I am probably as likely to get groped as a pit bull, given my “shy and retiring” personality – so no wonder I never heard or saw a word as Jim Marzilli slid off the rails – women don’t gosspit with pit bulls, IMHO.
whoever cares about her needs to digest all that and present a point. if there is one… ;D
p>a blog above written by a history professor from Broklyn College.
Quit embarressing yourself once again.
pages and pages of them. but they are meaningless unless someone digests the information they contain and presents it in a coherent narrative.
p>who is embarrassing whom?
Have a good weekend!
She got herself involved in a case recently in Tewksbury where a mother of a teenage girl working at McDonalds sued them to force a registered sex offender from his job. The thing to note with this is that said offender was completely honest during the hiring process about his past and his registration status. McDonalds fired him rather than fight the woman then he counter-sued the mother for her role in forcing him out of the job. He had never harmed the girl or acted inappropriately since taking the McDonalds job. Wendy Murphy represented the mother pro bono and clearly came down on the side of there’s no such thing as a second chance.
just doesnt ring true. She loves it too much.
True story — I was standing behind her in a check-out line at the Newton Linens-N-Things several months ago. I don’t remember exactly what the problem was, but I do remember her loudly berating the slightly-above-minimum wage cashier for something that clearly the cashier had no control over. This went on for several minutes. Frankly, I wish I had had the guts to tell her that I knew exactly who she was and to knock it off.