Eldridge announced his “full-hearted endorsement” in front of a full house at a political forum hosted by the Boxborough Democratic Town Committee on Monday, June 9. The event was co-sponsored by the six Democratic town committees in the 37th District: Acton, Boxborough, Harvard, Lancaster, Lunenburg, and Shirley.
“I have always admired Jamie Eldridge for the independence he has shown in the legislature, and for his willingness to stand up for the causes he believes in,” said Benson. “We both know that it is important to do what is right, rather than what is politically expedient when serving your constituents.”
Response to Benson’s remarks at the political forum was overwhelmingly positive.
“Jen has the energy, values, and intellect to give all six towns in the 37th Middlesex superb representation in the State House,” said Francie Nolde, chairman of the Boxborough Democratic Town Committee. “The Boxborough DTC endorses the candidacies of Jen Benson and Jamie Eldridge with great enthusiasm.”
Eldridge’s endorsement adds to a growing list of endorsements of Benson by both organizations and community leaders. Benson has received public endorsements from elected officials in every town in the district and from state officeholders, including retiring state Sen. Robert Antonioni, D-Leominster.
With the withdrawal last month of Lancaster Democrat Gail Sullivan from the race, Benson is unopposed in the Sept. 17 Democratic primary election. In the Nov. 4 general election, she will face Republican Kurt Hayes of Boxborough.
More information on Benson’s candidacy can be found at www.jenbenson.org.
Jen’s campaign is really picking up steam! Join us for the kick-off party:
Jen Benson’s Campaign Kick-Off
Tuesday, June 17th
5:30 – 8:30 PM
Bull Run Restaurant
215 Great Road
Shirley, MA
If you would like to get involved in Jen’s campaign for State Representative, send me an email at Chris@JenBenson.org.
Jen has been working hard to elect Democrats in her community for years. She is a great example of a Democrat who ran for office locally and encouraged others to run. In addition to the work of governing at the local level, this kind of service lays the groundwork for Democratic leadership at the state level.
did Jen Benson ask for donations at the Boxborough public library where this event was held. The MassGOP contends that both she and Jamie Eldridge did, breaking campaign finance law in the process. Here’s the article from the Harvard Post