I want you to see (asap) a compelling and heart-rending film, Making the River, about my good friend Jimi Simmons a full-blooded Native American who was unjustly accused of killing a prison guard and put on death row in Washington. Like so many people of color.
Fortunately the renowned social justice lawyer Lennie Weinglass of the Center for Constitutional Rights (also defended Angela Davis, Hurricane Carter, and Mumia) got him off.
Making the River will get shown at the Seattle Film Festival if it gets enough votes from viewers. See the email below for how to sign up to make the film available to you for screening and VOTING to get it into the festival. I and Jimi would really appreciate your vote.
You can vote during the time of the festival May 23-June 8th Midnight. See below.
Go to:
indieflix.comAt the top right of the front page see “My Festival”
Sign up to be invited to see the film.Please spread the word via email about the film.
Please follow the link and see why Dr. Professor Emeritus Pat Gozemba has taken time from her book tour to promote this cause, and thank you for caring enough to try and make a difference through your own actions. It is as Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”, the effort alone yields it’s own reward.