To former state party chair, Congressman and lobbyist Chester Atkins and the other Massachusetts Democrats who believe that Gloucester attorney, elected official, activist and former fire fighter Ed O’Reilly is a “nuisance candidate” see Boston Herald and should not ruin John Kerry’s summer by waging a primary campaign – you should be ashamed – and warned. It is precisely that kind of attitude that has friends of Hillary playing golf next weekend rather than making plans for Denver.
When will you learn? Didn’t I hear you say that Deval was a nuisance in 2006? And that Obama was a nuisance in 2007? I have voted for John Kerry every time his name has been on the ballot and probably will again this fall, but please – the best thing for John Kerry, Democrats and the electorate is to have more, not less contests. Somehow, I think our junior Senator will survive a few less trips to the islands and a few more trips to Brockton, Fall River, Lowell and Worcester.
I read his comments and thought, “this is what’s wrong with the Party.” It’s the sense of entitlement and the arrogance, like “we know what’s best for you” and this other candidate isn’t it.
p>I don’t think it’s a lot of ask to have people actually run for their seats every six years.