As I say all the time, skepticism is a good and necessary skill. If you didn’t pay attention to the studies that refute these lobbying firms, take a look at my diary to see what I’m talking about here. Because of the skepticism my post generated, I just wanted to highlight the fact that Senator Kerry’s position on H1B’s and offshoring efforts from his 2004 Presidential campaign were exactly the same as what I presented (thanks Joe):
In a speech given during his 2004 Presidential campaign, Senator John Kerry (D-MA) famously declared, “When I am President, and with your help, we’re going to repeal every benefit, every loophole, every reward that entices any Benedict Arnold company or CEO to take the money and the jobs overseas and stick the American people with the bill.”
That was Senator Kerry’s position before his current position. Not only has he done a complete 180, but he has now sought out the assistance of the Department of Homeland Insecurity to issue an executive order to bypass the legislative process to do exactly what he was against in 2004. One can presume that this is because the AeA, NFAP and the other lobbying firms have told him to. Here’s the forest. Can you see it?
This is a good post. I guess the critics had it right when they called JFK a flip-flopper. Or perhaps, his position has “evolved” since then. I think that’s what Romney said when his positions did a 180.
You realize of course this is not an endorsement in any way shape or form for the other Dem candidate. I’ve pretty much given up hope in this election cycle and I’m just focusing my efforts on issues that aren’t being addressed. We are all screwed when hundreds of millions of dollars are spent by corporations to influence political decisions against the best interests of this country. I never thought I would be able to say that the US had been sold. It has been. John Kerry and Deval have and continue to facilitate the process. It makes little difference why their positions may have “evolved”. When I listened to John Kerry spout the same old “globalization” rhetoric recently, I knew exactly where the garbage was coming from because I’ve spent so much time researching the subject. He’s still not listening and probably never will.
But I may just vote for him to send John a message. (I’m big on sending messages this election cycle) In fact, there are five voters in my house that are planning to do the same thing. We’re just tired of out-of-touch, career politicians who have no idea how the rest of us live. And you know what, Lolorb? How would they? Senators sit in a hermetically sealed chamber where they have the best healthcare money can buy, a hair salon, a post office, dining services and a bank – all in the building. In fact, they don’t even have to share their dining area with the hoi polloi during lunch time! No, no, no – the Senate dining area is reserved for Senators and staff.
p>So yeah – the problem is that tenure is rewarded with committee assignments and power….but the longer they stay in the Senate, the less like real people they really are.
p>I never thought I’d say this, but I’m starting to think that term limits are the way to go.
depiction of the forest, timeline below, can be found at the Department for Professional Employees at the AFL-CIO:
Looks more like collusive hiring to depress wages to me at this point.
who are going to be hurt by this latest round of political maneuvering. Here’s an assessment on Aggregate: Bachelors Degrees vs. Unemployment that gives some detailed analysis. We’re in deep sh*t.
I thought I saw someone use the word “collusion” in this thread. Hmm … Isnt taht the understatement of the century.
The only thing I am left wondering is what the end game is.
The one thing I noticed that has realy grabbed ahold of people and woken them up lately is the dang price of gas.
Why does this connect in this thread?
Because what I hear people wonder is how come it has gone on as long as it has.
Isnt the answer obvious? To me it is.
It seems that we have rapidly slipped into the realm of IRRELEVANT. America no longer matters. We gave it away.
This H1B crud .. all it is was technology transfer.
That was the last straw. They own the bricks and mortar and now they own the technology that made them.
(not to mention the media and politicians that spout the soothing rhetoric that keep people sedated into thinking soemeone is keeping an eye on the fort).
It was a trade war and we lost .. we trusted the wrong hacks.
I know this is hard to get one’s head around. Especially when tech firms sidetrack the American public into worrying about a shortage.
p>But the H-1b hiring program allows employers to never consider local talent before recruiting abroad – for their job openings here. This is the law and every corporation that follows this law is being a good corporate citizen.
p>Overabundance of technical talent does not have an effect on the H-1b hiring program. Nor does a shortage.
p>The original post shows how the American Public is caught in the H-1b trap. We believe the lies perpetuated by tech lobbyists: that Americans can’t do science and technology.
p>This lie will never come true. No matter how many employment laws that bypass us, no matter how expensive college becomes, we will always produce talented individuals that will never be able to fully use their talent. Our nation will lose, just like the South lost all their talent.
p> Discrimination always creates an oversupply.
When I read your post I couldnt help but come away with the feeling that something was missing … Actualy two things.
First, collusion would come about simply from the fact that the laws that you correctly point out are being followed, did not come into existance by chance.
It would seem safe to conclude that these rules come about as a result of a heavy handed corporate lobbying effort. With the right set of carrots and sticks most legislaturors have been shown to support some of the most outlandish things, clearly working against the interests of their own constituants, those they are sworn to represent, in return for ….. hmmm, collusion?
Second … your supply and demand forecast for science and technology assume infinate demand.
Demand in fact is shown to be quite finite.
Where that demand is focused is a function of where the investment dollars are flowing to … and from.
In neither case is the net inflow INTO America.
The only net INFLOW we see into the states is in the form of head counts … people seeking training at the universities and corporations, people being trained to perform the functions Americans used to … all for the corporations whos owners are … largely not American.
When we applaud the rise of the Dow Jones it is helpful to remember that these are corporations whom are owned largely by foreign entitities, managed largely by foreign staffers and bearing allegance apparently to noone.
Possesion of a large pile of talent in the end will do little good for America’s future should the investment pool finaly run completely dry. Our competative disadvantage is reaching a point of insurmountable.
Always ignores the history behind world events.
M$M always considers the “normal” world of Naiomi Klein destructive capitalism in their coverage of events.
M$M begat with their coverage of events.
M$M begat 72,700,000 Google hits on the keyword New World Order with their coverage of world events.
I think there is always some element of fact somewhere deep inside your consciousness causing the postings. But the only way to communicate how you feel and why your are posting that gets others to understand is to present a case. That’s why I took so much time before posting on H1B’s. Please don’t try to use my post to make a case for your ramblings.
I am coming to the conclusion that posting stuff to people so into their Pavlovian programming is a useless endeavor in this forum.
but understand that there are ways to counteract Pavlovian techniques. It takes a lot more effort than the effort that you want to exert. Don’t stop believing, just know how to make a point. Read the rules of the road and make them work for you and your perspective.