Disinhibition, such as dashing through moving traffic, and the other observations of Marzilli’s behaviors in the police reports so “thoughtfully” posted by Eabo looks like real deterioration and should receive hospitalization and a full evaluation.
This is a tragedy, really, after all those years of public service – both for James Marzilli and his family – and those who were on the receiving end of his disinhibited behaviors. [Note: as of this evening, my understanding is that James Marzilli is hospitalized; this is a relief to me, at least for his safety and the safety of others.]
For James Marzilli to announce that he is no longer seeking re-election should lead to less of a media circus, as the legal and medical ramifications of his erratic and peculiar behaviors are sorted out. I will keep Jim and his family in my prayers. My experience is that prayer makes a difference.
Going forward, I suggest that the District focus on the election for a new senator for the 4th Middlesex Senate District – AND ensuring that in the interim, we assist the caretaker office staff, as they will still need to meet the needs of constituents but without a functioning senator to lead them. That cannot be an easy job to do. But I am glad that there is a fine caretaker staff headed by Cindy Friedman.
No one should take pleasure in the collapse of another human being.
Going forward, what is required is to insure that the district is well represented up until the election by a its caretaker staff.
Recently, our district was in the same situation after Senator Havern resigned mid term – a caretaker staff with no senator to lead them. So lets rally and work for a senatorial candidate who will serve our district long term, with a track record of service and stability, whomever we may individually think would best do the job.
I now plan to support Ken Donnelly, myself.
It is also important that Mr. Marzilli receives proper medical and legal treatment, as well as that those affected by his disinhibited behaviors also receive whatever asistance they need to make them whole.
Surely, this is a sad situation and a reminder of the vulnerability and frailty of life.
Thanks for the good direction Amber