New England Cable News and several other media outlets are reporting that Jim Ogonowski has officially abandoned his candidacy for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate.
“Clearly, we had some issues this week regarding signatures. Mistakes were made along the way. But, any good military officer knows that when you are in command, the responsibilities are yours alone. The buck stops with me and I take that responsibility,” he said in an e-mail to supporters.
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Strikes me as quite similar to GHWB implosion back in 92. The man really didn’t want the job. Mr. ogonowski would be perfect for the MA legislature, because he loves his farm and he is home at the end of the day. Washington DC is cesspool of unsavory cretins that is impossible to escape.
Being stuck there would have been counterproductive for Mr. Ogonowski(assuming he had a shot at the job).
if he really wanted the job. like you, i didn’t think he was thoroughly committed to it. the sad thing is that he wasted the time and trust of everyone who volunteered for him. he also made the ma-gop look like idiots, because until now they ignored the existence of beatty and pretended og was the only gooper running.
I liked Ogo in the beginning against Nikki and thought he had some good ideas-sadly he continued to say the same s–t about Iraq and immigration any GOPer would say but on government reform and fighting for the little guy he struck a good tone. Its too bad really, Kerry needs a serious challenger, so many years of easy elections have made him get comfortable in Washington and he has forgotten about his constituents. Ted Kennedy for all his faults is a grade A legislator that gets things done for America and for the state, and he has a grade A constituent service. Kerry simply doesn’t give a s–t about Massachusetts and I wish I could’ve sent him a protest vote.
p>I could’ve held my nose and voted for Ogo as a message, I cannot in good conscience vote for Beatty.
I’m not sure I have enough testosterone to even LOOK at Beatty’s site. Apparently this state has a Rambo contingency I didn’t know about.
…if only for the blog that has been updated twice since March.
I still felt like invading Rhode Island afterwards.
p>I just can’t excited about a guy running on (in order):
p>- pro-war on terror
– anti-immigration
– anti-tax
– pro-gun
– pro-education (hard to be against, really)
Maybe a desk job is available…
he has a primary opponent this September, Ed O’Reilly.
Ed will probably poll 5-10% at best, he won’t even delay the primary. I will still vote even from Chicago if I have to to send my message that I want change and I hope to vote every single election I’m eligible for. That said I am under no illusions my vote will actually do anything. Ed is a neophyte-he has hit Kerry from the left on the war-hard to do now that Kerry is the anti-war champion he should’ve been in 2002 and 2004. And he has hit Kerry from the right by bringing up the debunked swift boat style attacks. Also with Kennedy’s life in the balance I think most voters will vote to retain Kerry who has always rode in the shadow of Ted in a lot of respects.
p>And then Kerry gets a cakewalk general where he probably won’t even debate his opponent. I will certainly be voting for Obama and my State Senator but I plan on voting against every other Democratic incumbent. Its time we had real change in this state and I wish the GOP or the Green or somebody was organized enough to make this a truly mid-term referendum on the terrible job Deval Patrick has done. Sadly his appointment might be lifetime due to the D next to his name and the disarray of the state GOP. We know nothing about Baker, Healy is damaged goods, Romney certainly couldn’t come back after going all wing nut on the national scene. They got nobody left. Its a sad state when there is one party in charge and it gets away with doing so little good and committing so much wrong in the form of corruption and patronage.
were probably sour anyway.