Now, it is not my practice to push fundraisers for out of town politicians, but this is personal for me on a couple of levels.
First of all, Jon Powers is exactly the type of person we need representing us in Washington, and I mean us in the broader sense as Americans. He served his country with distinction and honor in Iraq, he set up a great charity called Iraq War Kids Relief, he was involved with Veterans For America and I first met him a few years ago when he introduced John Kerry at a speech here in Boston.
Second, having been involved in the Kerry Campaign and with veterans running for office in general, it is always extremely aggravating to me that Republicans wave the flag, but it’s Democrats who wear the uniform and defend it. The vast vast majority of national and state political leaders who are veterans are Democrats.
Men such as John Kerry and Max Cleland, Wes Clark and Jack Murtha, Patrick Murphy, Joe Sestak and more. This is our chance to add Jon to that remarkable list.
The fundraiser is downtown on Monday night, please email Eben DuRoss at if you are interested in attending.
about what happened to War Kids Relief, then perhaps I’ll think about it. Mr. Powers should explain to all of the people who donated to that organization what, exactly, happened, why it virtually vanished from view, and where the money is. Right now, the thing stinks to high heaven.
p>And I’m not interested in a “private” conversation with Mr. Powers as he recommended the last time I asked about this in a public forum. He and many others made very public pleas for money to support this effort, so they can make very public explanations about what happened to it.
p>War Kids Relief was touted and endorsed by some heavy hitters–Jim McGovern among them–and I want to know where my money went as well as the money of my students who donated.
My network is slow, but it works.
p>Your comment bothered me, because as a vet, I was concerned that lingering doubt was detrimental in so many ways.
p>Thank you for raising this question. I hope you find this response from Jon Powers satisfactory. If not, he has invited further inquiry.
p>Jack Mitchell
sleeping.giant.stirs AT gmail DOT com
I am so frustrated with powers. I thought he was different, but this little act with War Kids Relief is making me wonder how he’s any different than the GOPers.
I have run into many roadblocks on War Kids Relief. I have been trying to donate to it for a long time, but have gotten no straight answer.
p>I don’t understand why Powers can’t just come out and talk more publicly about specifically War Kids Relief has done and how much money they raised.
p>It seems he wants to run on starting this non-profit but won’t talk about what it did. He seems to be treading on fuzzy ground here.
p>I want a public statement by Powers on this. I shouldn’t have to call him to have a private phone call. C’mon on Jon you are supposed to be better than this.
p>Don’t give the Republicans ammunition for the fall!
Thank you for registering as a user, just for this post.
p>I got the answer that satisfies my concern.