Cross-posted from Media Nation.
Picking up on Gladys Kravitz’s post on the top 10 reasons that a casino will never be built in Middleborough:
The wife of Shawn Hendricks, president of the Masphee Wampanoag tribal council, has taken a restraining order out against him, according to Stephanie Vosk and George Brennan of the Cape Cod Times. The Hendrickses are in the midst of a messy divorce that includes accusations of violence and steroid use.
Last year Hendricks took over the tribal presidency from Glenn Marshall after it was revealed that Marshall had lied about his military service and had a record as a convicted rapist. It was Marshall who led the tribe’s efforts to build the world’s largest casino in Middleborough. Hendricks has vowed to continue with that effort.
ordeal with another male friend who was his roomate. I know what kind of idiotic things can be written to get a restraining order. The bar is set ridiculously low. I no longer immediately think the worst when someone gets a restraining order against them. Judges now seem to want to protect themselves instead of carrying justice in those cases.
she may have a point.