A little over a week ago dkennedy posted “Reason #11” noting that Shawn Hendricks’ wife had taken a restraining order out against him and making this another reason to why casinos wouldn’t be built in Mass.
Well in today’s Globe the court dismissed that restraining order. I didn’t see the connection when dkennedy posted it before and I don’t see one now, however seems only fair to provide all the information.
A probate judge has vacated a restraining order against the chair of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribal Council.
The court cited Shawn Hendricks’ clean criminal history in the decision.
Please share widely!
Dan's “#11” post was only regarding a casino in Middleboro.
The Globe only picked up on the cheery feel-good parts of the cited Cape Cod Times story.
Be careful. Your agenda is showing.
I have posted as pro-expanded gaming and pro-casino jobs all along. My point was and is that Dan’s linking the debate around building casinos to a domestic dispute was gratuitous.
p>I wouldn’t know Hendricks if I fell over him and if he threatened his wife and child then every possible measure to protect them is in order. (the Judge vacated the restraining order – to a non-lawyer that sounds like one was issued without a hearing for protection and when it was appealed and the arguments heard -the order was lifted)
p>Opposing expanded gaming because of a personal/family problem of one individual involved in one proposal is akin to opposing the war in Irag because George Bush was a drug user. Lot’s of fun to make fun of an adversary but ignoring hundreds of valid reason for your position.
p>And if we are going to post the person/family information when it fits one sides “agenda” seems fair we keep updating the record.
…and the judge did not extend it. Typically they are time definite and will expire when the time runs out unless one of the parties wants it to continue.