I don’t usually post to blogs, but after watching Rep. James Fagan of Taunton on MSNBC’s Dan Abrams tonight, I felt compelled to do something.
Abrams, grandstanding patronizingly yells at Fagan to apologize for arguments he made before the legislature. Fagan, who was only trying to protect kids, may have gone far with his language, but he was at least well-intentioned.
It’s Abrams, who used the footage for ratings, that owes his viewers an apology. If the reality of the subject and the language Fagan used to portray it was too much for them, why did he take it out of the chambers and onto the air? Probably thousands of abuse victims needlessly relived horrible moments as a result.
If Fagan were running for national office, he probably would have do apologize, though he did nothing wrong. This is why, thanks to Dan Abrams and corporate programming provided by networks like MSNBC, many well-meaning citizens shy from public office.
I think Abrams’ abuse of Fagan is the story that needs to be told. Does anyone know how to bring more attention to it?
Benjamin Forman
by arguing for lower sentences for child molesters? I don’t get your logic. The bill had mandatory minimums for second offenses. Not first offenses. I’m sorry but the recidivism rate of child molesters is high. They should get life IMHO.
p>Are you telling me that Fagan won’t be doing this to children now when he is defending someone. I think he would.
p>Rep Fagan is a disgrace and hopefully someone will run a sticker campaign in September so Rep Fagan is gone in november.
In his own words on MSNBC Representative Fagan said:
p>The hubris of Massachusetts Democrats never fails to amaze me. It was OK to say what I said because the public isn’t watching.
Am I the only one who doesn’t know what’s going on here? The link you put down sent me to something about how the supreme court rejected the death penalty for raping kids. We don’t have the death penalty.
p>Seriously, people, blogging 101: describe what the frack is going on in your post! There’s been two posts on this subject on BMG and I STILL don’t know what’s going on, other than what I’ve gotten from conjecture.
p>If you want to defend what he said, then actually put down what he said, or at least describe it. Then make your defense. That’s how this ‘blogging’ thing works.
the Rep Fagan thing was front page news in two newspapers. Was on three television stations and made the national cable networks. I posted a video of the remarks four days ago. I think people just assumed that people that read this blog would know what was being discussed.
have put a link to your original post, or any one of those articles… I have to have a pretty boring day to voluntarily read tabloids like the Herald.