Sean Garballey, the Rep elected this year for the 23rd Middlesex in the special election after Jim Marzilli resigned, has set up an interactive blog to keep his district informed.
Here is the link: http://seangarballey.wordpress…
BMG may wish to add that as a link here at BMG – or some of you may find it of interest. Sean really has “hit the ground running” and is both having real and substantial input on the issues affecting Arlington, but larger issues as well.
Way to go, Sean!
Please share widely!
Especially loved the award honoring the police officer and his companion.
I find it a little funny that the Rep. has a Chief of Staff. I mean when there is a paid staff of one I guess you’re the chief. My advice to legislative aides looking for cool sounding titles is to make up something unique, like Adjunct Policy Director in Charge.
p>But on a serious note it sounds like Rep. Garballey is going to be an excellt Rep.
That junmped out at me too. The freshman rep calls’ his one aide his chief of staff.
p>I knew very little about Garbally before. But now that I know this, I know I don’t like him. He thinks we are stupid.
…why does use of a formal job title in any way indicate that anyone thinks you are “stupid” – sounds more like a chip on your shoulder from some old hurt. If so, let it go. You are better than that and have more to offer than that.
That’s what Representative Garballey called Mike McCabe in an Arlington Democratic Town Committee meeting in March.
p>You’ll find that the reaction has been swift in removing the humorous words McCabe used to describe himself on Garballey’s blog. I can find the page by including “Chief of Staff” in a google search, but cannot pull up the original text from google cache.
Sean Garballey described Mike McCabe as his aide only.
p>Mike, as chief cook and bottle washer, humorously choose the longer title for himself online, never thinking anyone would go ballistic over it. So, when folk took what was intended humourously to be hubris, Mike dropped it.
Was meant to be humorous. I wasn’t trying to be mean. it sounds like the Rep. has a great future ahead of him.