So the working stiffs at the Globe pull a fast one on the Dean Wormers in NYC and put on the front page and above the fold a story of rodent droppings and other health violations at the food stands and other related locations at Fenway Park. The Globe also reported on the Red Sox slow response in addressing the violations.
The Sox, I mean Larry Lucchino, blamed the vendor, saying they, the Red Sox, did not know that the Health Department did a surprise and thorough inspection two weeks before opening day and issued all sorts of violations that needed to be fixed before opening day. They also stayed on the Sox for weeks to get them to clean it up. Finally the City had to threaten to close the concessions down if they didn’t do it ASAP. That was May 16th after 20 or so games.
Larry, the control freak wants us to believe he knew nothing. Sgt. Schlutz Lucchino
IMO Larry being Larry told the City it would be fixed. Him saying it is good enough. He could not believe that Mayor Menino and the city actually held him to his word.
Larry thought saying it was enough. Like his policy on minority hiring.
Not this time Larry.
But the real story is the Brian McGrory and the bosses that layout the front page knew what they were doing. Good for them.
Following the story we can guess what happened. Something like this.
Larry Luchino calls his minority red sox partners at NYTimes, Inc. in NYC and asks them if they like going onto the field in Yankee Stadium and watching batting practice? He yells, he rants, he raves.
What do they do? First they see if there is anything else out there the peons in the metro section of the Boston Globe may have. If there is they kill it. They also tell Larry that they chewed someone out for this. Larry likes that. Then they order the same people on the editorial side that they ordered to support casino gambling to get back in line.
So what do we see? This piece of garbage.. An editorial in yesterday’s Globe praising the Red Sox for their sanctuary where fans can sell tickets before games for face value.
The title of the editorial is a joke.
“Sox tix: No more ripoffs”
A “laudable move” is what it is called. And my God, these Red Sox are wonderful. All is right with the world.
They even praise the Sox for “little-publicized innovation”. Huh? That means the Sox won’t spend a dime to let people know about it. An an “innovation”? The editorial points out that it was stared by the Orioles. But how come I feel like the Sox were the innovators? That’s called good rhetorical writing kids.
Just another example of how stupid they think we are.
When Roger Clemens says he can’t be on steroids because he visits the kids in the hospital he thinks that actually persuades people that he is not a fraud. Larry and the NYC corporate boys think like Roger. Difference is Roger’s time has come.
The Boston Globe Sox. Prisoner of NYC Corp. types who want to be Larry Luchino’s friend. And he knows it.
I am not saying I love the guy, but you seemed to be obsessed with him.