The most substantive, informed and well-articulated criticisms of Patrick come from Democrats and the left; there’s a real gap waiting to be filled in Mass GOP blogs and media that are interested in constructive, “let’s get stuff done” dialogue, because what passes as GOP commentary around the MA blogosphere is drenched in resentment and sarcasm that’s only motivated by the winner-take-all election game.
Instead of looking to tear down DP at every turn, why not go issue-by-issue and identify where you can sway Democrats and Dem-leaning independents to adopt a counter-DP positions and build working coalitions to get the progress that you want? You may not like the Readiness Project, or aspects of it, but the Democrats who also oppose this initiative are probably not in any rush to join forces with Eabo-like nattering nabobs of negativity or the Deval Derangement Syndrome-inflicted Margolis brothers.
The constant petty swipes at DP and not letting go of the drapes play to a certain base, but they aren’t informative or persuasive methods of advancing GOP agenda items. When your commentary shifts its aim from the hard core Howie heads and focuses on the Central Mass Dad types, although you may not see GOP membership grow, I’m betting you’ll see more conservative values reflected in state government initiatives and legislation, and I bet you’ll be more satisfied with the state’s performance.
We all like to make sarcastic and dismissive comments about pols and policies we don’t like – snark adds to the fun of blogging. I’m just saying all snark and and no constructive dialog make Mass Republicans dull, repetitive, one-note bloggers.
My commute is more than an hour on a GOOD day, and getting on and of Cape in summer is always chancy.
p>I MIGHT make the New Bedford Cabinet meeting, which I realize is not the same (I’ve arranged some of those in the past).
p>I DID get to the Dartmouth Civic Engagement forum – but 6 pm? On a work day? If it were even 7 pm, he’d get more people (not that retirees and activists won’t go anyway, but still).
…I called it a “challenge” for a reason, lol!
p>I acknowledge above the time is far from perfect and they’re hard to attend, but if you go to one, I’d be anxious to read your write-up.
I would love to blog the Worcester meeting. But I’m not a Democrat. Can I get in? Also, I use a wheelchair. Again, can I get in? You would be amazed at the lack of wheelchair accessibility.
Re “I’m not a Democrat” — of course you can get in. No one is checking party registration at the door. These are public events, and all are welcome.
p>As for wheelchair accessibility, the venue for that meeting has not yet been announced. So far, all of the announced venues are accessible, and I would be surprised if that trend doesn’t continue. Check back on the town hall page (linked above) sooner to the date to see about venue.
PP showed up to one of the many citizen activism sessions Patrick put on after being elected, but before being sworn in… and asked a question to the council/forum (which, btw, David was on). I know that’s not a town hall forum, but pretty close to it, so I wouldn’t completely doubt that she will show up in Hyannis.
p>EaBo on the other hand…
didn’t see PP’s reply. But, yes, PP was there. As was I.
I am routinely not out of work at 6pm. Who in their right mind schedules events in the suburbs for 6pm is beyond me.