The flagellum that propels the organism is thought by ID advocates as something that is ‘irreducibly complex’. Turns out there is new evolutionary news about E. coli. This time some scientists MSU have been running an experiment since 1988 and watched natural selection at work. (Read the artical, it’s pretty cool)
The guys at Conservapedia were crying foul:
He demanded that Lenski “post the data supporting your remarkable claims so that we can review it.” Lenski responded politely at first that as far as he could tell, the relevant data Schlafly wanted was in the paper, which Schlafly had not bothered to read closely. When Schlafly repeated his demands–and as the discussions on the Conservapedia site veered to accusations of Piltdown-Man-level fraud–Lenski wrote a barbed reply…:
From the reply:
I tried to be polite, civil and respectful in my reply to your first email, despite its rude tone and uninformed content. Given the continued rudeness of your second email, and the willfully ignorant and slanderous content on your website, my second response will be less polite. I expect you to post my response in its entirety; if not, I will make sure that is made publicly available through other channels.
Follow the links to the posts and have a laugh. Seems like a microcosm of what happens when facts disagree with conservative thought.
Hat Tip: Crooks and Liars
…why are there still monkeys? lol.
p>That was great. In other news, July 1 was the anniversary of Darwin and Wallace “shifting the paradigm” heralding the advent of the evolution revolution.
… link to Conservapedia, the whole exchange was pretty funny.
Off topic but dovetailing nicely:
p>Did anyone this Christian Conservative news agency’s unfortunate use of the auto-replace function? Via Science Blogs’ Dispatches From the Culture Wars:
I understand they’re going to open a tv network showing only family-friendly classic television.
p>At the top of the stack is the Flintstones, wherein the theme song promises the viewer “a homosexual old time”.
about the Gilded Age: The Homosexual Nineties.
Just think what history would be like without, um, him.
He was a blast. Started an awful lot of flaming, as well.