Cheney’s coming to Boston for the Fourth of July. Anybody interested in getting some bodies out to hold signs and maybe have a word with the man himself? Some would say it’s a sort of civic obligation to peacably gather and express dissent, even in earshot of the Great and Powerful.
Please share widely!
had to look that one up. and by the looks of it, cheney had some mighty spicy tamales just before this picture was captured.
Get yourself a staff and get out there:
Note to Government Agents: Pay this provocateur a friendly visit.
p>Cheney’s Motto: Yes, we can silence dissent!
in what was once known as the Cradle of Liberty. I wonder if Menino will present him with the key to the city.
…even say “keys to the city”.
Swimmer harassed by Coast Guard “for his own safety”…
signed up to ride the final Apocalypse I did not get the powers of knowing all things at once. Hope some of the other WeAreChange people got to him and heckled the event profusely.