And here’s some more a$$ kicking…
He smacked Kyl down over offshore drilling.JK explained that
1. US can’t drill our way out
2. Oil companies aren’t drilling what they have permits for now
3. Nothing will come from new drilling for 10 years or more
4. It will not affect the marketplace price
And he kicked Kyl’s ass on ‘the surge’.
JK said that McCain was wrong on the surge and explained the timeline of the Anbar Awakening and the surge.
Listed the flaws in McCain’s judgement on Iraq.snip
“What does Britney Spears have to do with healthcare?”
According to a blogger at Kos, Kerry will be on Meet the Press this Sunday….Sens. John Kerry vs Joe Lieberman.
(TO DAVID: Correction: BMG didn’t endorse–I was getting my blogs confused–sorry! PS. David how do I contact you?)
… I still figured everyone loves to see a Republican (or two) get their a$$ handed to them on a silver platter.
Kerry, apparently, did it today to Kyl. I wonder how many of those free-pharma’s Lieberman’s wife Hadassah–the pharma lobbyist– will get to bring home to help LIEberman prepare for Sunday’s show against Kerry.…
More a$$-kicking headed LIEberman’s way…
(where is a snark tag?)
(PS. Nope…no disclosure necessary. I don’t work for KV. Don’t get paid by anyone associated with Kerry or KV.)
I just love to see those corrupt liars get their due.
Beware LIEberman…Big foot headed your way. (And nope…it’s not YOUR BIG FOOT headed into YOUR MOUTH–for a change!)
Here's the link to the video. It's worth a watch. Everyone knows I'm a Kerry fan but every Dem should watch this bloodbath. This is Tyson-Spinks. If the Republicans are smart- and thankfully they're not- they'll ban John Kyl from ever again appearing in front of a television camera.
Wish he had been as succinct in 2004.
p>He left Kyl smiling stupidly a lot.
And for those who might have missed it, Kerry supports preserving Lieberman’s Senate chairmanship.
as soon as the election is over OR if LIEberman is a keynote at the RNC, it’s likely that ALL the dems will kick the prick out.
p>However, right now Obama and Howard Dean are running the campaigns.
p>Kerry has kicked ass on the media and has been a hell of a surrogate.
p>People like Reid are quiet and behind the scenes doing whatever it is that they do.
p>But the Deomcratic caucus as a whole most likely discussed wtf to do with LIEberman. And for right now, they’re quiet on their strategy.
p>That is excellent planning. Let the hatchet fall without the noise machine giving LIEberman extra power. From the day they kick LIEberman out, he will be a eunick. I suspect they are going to give him advance warning.
p>So the link in your post is basically spin on bull shit. When the time comes…LIEberman will be gone. Probably with a great big FC YOU from all the proud dems who gave him a standing O–which wasn’t kerry by the way.
He’s even counted as a Democratic Senator in the DSCC mailing I just received.
p>Kyl’s mistake was letting Kerry talk. Kerry got all his points in, and Kyl couldn’t get a full sentence in without Kerry going over him. Such is political discourse in our country.
to go without a correction.
I mean, one could almost feel sorry for Kyl … NOT.
p>The video is definitely worth viewing just for the part where Kyl admits that Britney Spears has NOTHING to do with presidential politics.
John Kerry Anit-Gay Marriage Anti-Massachusetts
p>A real donkey’s ass!
As if getting bills passed that help Veteran’s isn’t important…
p>As if getting bills passed that help people further their education or help improve education for our children isn’t important…
p>As if filibustering a pro-strip-search-Alito Supreme Court justice isn’t important…
p>Grow up Alexander.
p>You may not like his actions on gay marraige, but people like YOU were able to get an education because of the bills he helped passed. And Veterans may be able to get health care because of the bills he helped pass.
on this you can disagree with – he voted against DOMA. In the US Senate, it is unlikely he ever will – as he is better than most other Senators – so he could never be the difference on a bill here. His 2004 position which was civil unions with all rights of marriage, including federal rights would be tough to pass now. I think that could be done by changing the tax code and any other law that is affected.
p>The laws regulating who can marry are defined by the states – thus it will not be voted in the Senate.
I never would have known…if you hadn’t said something…
p>For Pete Sake, John Kerry is a Senator from a state that has equal marriage, has repealed 1913, has had over 12,000 same-sex marriages, is THE leader in marriage equality, so his voice on the issue on national terms IS important and the fact that he is such a f++k up on publicly supporting his home state on this issue IS important. He gets a “D-” on equality.
… to the success of this state’s marriage laws providing a cultural push to the Washington politicians. Given that Kerry is a Washington politician, I’m not surprised that he needs pushing.
it should have been to Alexander.
On Equal Rights he is a disgrace. Sorry, I judge my Senator on that. An embarassment. “Grow up?” When I have Equal Rights in this country maybe.
p>Kerry got a pass from our lobby in 2004 to speak out against Goodridge–if you were so well informed you would know that. Time is up regarding marriage equality for him. He can take a civil union for his (and I put this in quotes) “marriage” but to think that for whatever reason his “marriage” is somehow better than mine???
p>People like me who immigrated to this country? My education was in Europe cougar, not here. I immigrated to the United States because I really thought from early childhood that America held many more opportunities, and personal freedoms, especially for the young.
p>However, was I ever surprised to be required to answer the following question on my visa application back in 1988. “Are you now or ever have been a Communist?” “Are you a convicted criminal?” “Are you mentally insane” and “Are you a homosexual?” I had to answer NO to all of these in order to get my visa processed at the time. Until I was able to obtain my citizenship, I lived in fear, in hell really, of future immigration questions, people finding out about my partner, and of those who knew and could do me harm. One particular person used this against me for years and forced me to be “obliged” to him in ways I care not to discuss (something I didn’t even tell my partner until a few years ago).
p>So, people like me, cougar, have just a bit of an axe to grind regarding LGBT issues and equality in this country. And WILL NOT take a back seat for ANY reason.
you feel strongly about it. However, I also ask that you look at other issues and people out there too.
p>Of course I don’t like every action MOST politicians have taken. Heck..even my favorite, Dennis Kucinich hasn’t always done what I would like to have him do.
p>The thing is that I know people who will ONLY VOTE against abortion or against gay rights and those issues are always wedge issues. They’re issues that people don’t see eye to eye on.
p>However, I’d like for those issues to become non-issues. Isn’t it up to the State’s to pass Gay Marraige? It’s up to the State legislature to make it legal (or illegal) unless there is a Federal Ammendment that can pass. Right now, I don’t think it would pass.
p>But I do know that there are tons of laws out there that aren’t wedge issues that are JUST AS IMPORTANT as Gay Marraige:
p>Veteran’s Healthcare
Ending the Occupation
Stopping war profiteering
Getting Educational bills and money for scholarships
Getting Universal Healthcare.
p>So..sorry Alexander if I came out strongly and ticked you off. I hope we can find some middle ground here.
and have had to keep secrets from your partner.
p>I understand that to you LGBT issues are very important. I don’t believe ANYONE should commit harm to another person based on sex, gender, race, or sexual preference. I don’t believe discrimination is right or fair and I hope that across this country we finally stop accepting it as ‘normal’ or “ok”. It’s not!
p>However, I will never just vote for or against one person based on one issue. I look at all the issues and take the three to five that are MOST important to me…Then I look at their stances. And what they’ve done. That’s what I meant to say in my fumbling sort of way.
p>I also apologize if I offended you. I thought I wrote a light-hearted entry to post and didn’t realize I’d end up in fights with people. Also, it’s just stressful right now.