Foreign affairs “expert” McCain, who continues by the way to refer to Czechoslovakia, has now complained about problems on the Iraq-Pakistan border:The trouble is there’s this thing called “Iran” that lies between Iraq and Pakistan.
Note that he also isn’t too clear on the Sunni/Shia distinction either.
Please share widely!
John Q. Sucker
It had better be a Budweiser.
Not sure if drinking Budweiser would work anymore, now that the company is owned by those argula-eating, multi-language talking Belgians!
So, what exactly does it mean when a candidate makes a error like this? Are they unqualified?
Is that the rule just so I know when someone mentions a McCain erro I can jump on it and say “ALREADY DISCUSSED THIS”.
Must every comment of mine be indicative of a “rule”?
Rather debate issues, I often get bombarded with “Use more links”, “use bold format to make your point” “Back up everything you say”, “stop making personal attacks”, “don’t be a racist”, “be factual, have content” and the list goes on.
p>So I post a response to people talking about John McCain’s latest gaffe by saying “Already discussed this” trying to shut me down and inferring that this is irrelevant since Obama’s gaffe was already discussed.
p>Fine, so my next question is “Ok, is this a rule that we cannot re-discuss something that has already been discussed?” because the next time someone says John McCain wants us in Iraq for 100 years I can respond “Already discussed this”…
p>And if that isn’t the rule then stop trying to shut me down when I make a valid comment.
If it was just one error, it would mean nothing. McCain seems to make one every day now. That means something.
Can you back up the statement? Do you have links?
p>NM, people ask me for these things whenever I blog here.
p>When I criticize BO about little things (Rev Wright…) some people say, “Let’s talk about the important issues like Healthcare…, not these stupid little things…” Well??……
p>”Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s call to ‘concentrate’ veterans’ health care on those with combat injuries is raising questions about the Arizona senator’s commitment to funding the ailing VA system.”
p>July 11 –
July 12 –
July 13 –
July 14 –
July 15 –
July 16 –
July 17 –
July 18 –
July 19 –
July 20 –
July 21 –
July 22 –
July 23 –
July 24 –
p>I didn’t think you could.
I wrote “seems to have one every day,” so you choose to pretend I wrote “has one every day.”
p>I am not going to fill in your form. If you’re so steeped in the North American McCain-Bush Love Association kool-ade that you haven’t noticed McCain’s foot in his mouth all the time, as even the MSM has, I certainly won’t catch you up.
When I post things here I usually get an anal probe inserted by opposing posters stating that I am exaggerating… I was taking out my angst on you for saying something which was at best, inaccurate.
p>If I buy the qualifier about “seems like” then I would ask to fill 1 or 2 gaffes in during the last 14 days, but you still couldn’t. There was one gaffe a few days ago and no others during that period and beyond. Now if your inference on the “seems” was due to the media vastly over-reporting the gaffe then I do agree since they are certainly doing that.
p>Either way, I guess we can both agree John McCain is not making errors everyday nor is he even close (only 1 in 14 days minimum) to making a gaffe everyday.
Last week, he repeated the “no oil rig hurricane damage” falsehood, which was so wrong, it’s amazing.
p>This week, the Army Times is questioning his commitment to VA funding, based on his statements in favor of rationing care.
p>Also this week, there’s the “surge triggered the Anbar awakening” thing, which he’s trying to explain away as semantics.
p>Last week, he said immediate offshore oil drilling would lower gas prices within “a couple of years,” even though government reports say it would have no effect until 2030. Then on Sunday, he retreated from that to its having a “psychological impact.”
p>Oh Hell, just look at and see how many of their articles challenge McCain’s recent statements on a raft of things.
If you want to say he’s a boob then so be it. Our next President will be a boob like the last one. that al-Malaki and his VP have endorsed Obama’s troop withdrawal plan, despite CentCom’s press release that there was a (lol) “mistranslation”.
p>Not only does this fly in the face of the McCain/Bush plan and the “100 years” of troops, both McCain and Bush said that if the Iraqis ask us to leave, we’re going to leave.
If it wasn’t clear before, it should be now.
p>I respect McCain as a POW, but as a president?
p>Not on my watch!
p>Thank goodness the Democrats are in the majority in both chambers of Congress. These Republicans really need someone watching over their shoulders.
p>How can someone think like this? Voters feel safer with leaders of this intelect?
p>It is good that we have Congressman John Tierney, who recently headed a congressional delegation to Pakistan and Afghanistan, chairing the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s subcommittee on national security and foreign affairs. This administration has been reckless at best, and just plain incompetent on many matters!
p>Congressman Tierney is calling them at it. And, through his subcommittee’s hearings, showing the way to Bush and his mineons.
p>McCain must have attended the George W. Bush School of Competence! Wow!?!
This border problem, the Sunni-Shia problem, the Czechoslovakia problem…this isn’t just ignorance, it’s something else. We’re seeing an extended pattern of mistaking basic facts of the world.
p>I wouldn’t say that it’s because of age, but I’m wondering if it is due to something that is more likely to happen due to advanced age.
Warren Buffett is older than McCain and is, I would submit, sharper than most tools in the box. However, the odds that one will struggle with memory, process and order go up as one ages.
Did the surge cause the “Al Anbar Awakening” or not? John McCain in his own words:
p>So before the surge, “we were making progress”; after the surge, we weren’t making progress until the surge. Is the truth is solely a matter of political convenience? Does he forget what he’s already said? Did he change his mind about the past evaluation?
p>Is he qualified to be President?
makes me shudder. I hope nobody has the ill-conceived notion to name an actual school after Bush when he leaves office- even in his hometown. It just wouldn’t be right.
I think if McCain ever remotely comes class to becoming our president than we should all consider the moving to the UK or Canada because our country at that point will be doomed.
By your screen name, I keep the possibility open that you are using irony as a tactic.
p>What I will restate is that Bush, and now McCain, have and will continue to screw this thing up royaly! I am strong on national defense and probably a hawk. But we are not safer with these simple minded incompetents in charge!
p>Barack Obama is demonstrating that he is presidential by this overseas trip. Republicans can’t have it both ways. On the one hand ccriticizing Obama for weighing in. Then chastizing him when he does!
p>Put Barack in the Oval Office and end the reign of incompetence! These people (e.g. Busch, McCain, this administration, etc.) far from keep us safer!
This definitely makes Obama the clear choice for President!!!!! LOL
p>Obama the Foreign Policy expert!! LOL
p>Obama the Hawk
p>Obama the Messiah!!
It’s a big tent 😉
He does so here.
p>And yes, I know you don’t recognize “troll” as having anything to do with the rules of the road here.
When Republicans have to resort to name calling like this, and using terms like Howie Carr’s favorite{ “wingbat” it shows how devoid of substance their arguments are.
but it’s “MOON-Bat” and “WING-Nut”.
are militant moderates.
He is the GOP nominee. The GOP has won 8 of the last 10 presidential elections, the Democrats have nominated a guy who, in order to win, will have to shatter some rather significant (if unfortunate) precedents, and some polls show that Obama’s lead isn’t all that big, at least yet.
p>So if you hire movers, be sure the driver knows not to take the truck onto Storrow Drive.
someone who graduates 894th out of 899 in their class at the Naval Acadamy would get that one right.
Romney graduated from the Cranbrook School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan in 1965 and earned a perfect score on his SAT.
p>Romney attended Brigham Young University, where he graduated as valedictorian, earning his Bachelor of Arts degree summa cum laude in 1971.
p>In 1975, Romney graduated from a joint Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration program coordinated between Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School. He graduated cum laude from the law school and was named a Baker Scholar for graduating in the top five percent of his business school class.
It may only be worth a bucket of warm piss but, damn, it’s a smart bucket of warm piss!