That requires a lot of foreign policy experience! I bet Senator Obama has not spoken to President Putin of Germany.
John McCain, in his own words:
P.S. He also has trouble telling the Sudan from Somalia.
Please share widely!
Reality-based commentary on politics.
Thanks, KBusch.
delegitimized Clark’s statements on McCain’s ‘foreign policy experience’.
p>they could have really turned McCain’s strong point on its head
he’ll be questioning the uproar over the waste from nuclear fission. after all, what’s the worry over a little DNA?
Seeing the dead
that’s a pretty funny one. or perhaps not funny but rather an irritating gaffe to a veteran, especially. but at least Obama knows what country he’s in, lol!
But they are also a giant waste of time. In the past when issues like Rev Wright came up, people seemed to want to discuss the “real issues” and not these “annoyances”. Now that JM and BO have some gaffe videos, we are back to talking about “annoyances” and now I am suggesting we talk about the real issues (healthcare, the economy…).
there was plenty of discussion here at BMG about wright, in several diaries. so yes, some people said “let’s stick to issues”, but many were happy to hash ‘n thrash that subject many times over. so your claim at double standards is largely unsubstantiated.
I concur with Laurel: plenty of room here to debate all the issues.
remarks thanking “fallen heroes – and I see many of them in the audience here today” and McCain’s speaking to “President Putin of Germany”.
p>I just took my kids to Friendly’s for lunch and asked one of them to get the “mustard” from another table when I was looking directly at the bottle of “ketchup”. So please get my walker and take my drivers license away.
McCain, since the beginning of summer, has:
Referred twice to Czechoslovakia in the present tense;
Confused the Sudan with Somalia;
Assigned Vladimir Putin to Germany;
Misplaced Iraq’s borders.
p>In a little under a month, he has made 5 big mistakes on the basics of world politics, more than 1 per week. Either he doesn’t know these facts, or he can’t express himself well under the pace of a presidential campaign. In any event, this is a distinct pattern that indicates a lack of readiness to be president.
“Isreal’s greatest friend is Isreal.” – Barack Obama, yesterday.
p>Maybe he’s been reading them self help books again…
p>KB – both of these men are out full blast 24/7 – can we forgive obvious mis-speaks on both sides?
There are mistakes people commonly make, like McCain’s mixing up Somalia and Sudan. That’s a common sort of mix-up: both words begin with S.
p>There are mistakes people only make if they’re ignorant: getting the borders wrong is one. That’s because we think of borders visually. No one, for example, mistakenly says “I left the car under the driveway” or “The flag is around the pole.” No one refers to the Mexican-Canadian border or the French-Polish border. When we think visually, we rarely err.
That’s why this is evidence that McCain doesn’t know his geography.
The Czechoslovakia gaffe, because it was repeated, embarrassing, and prominent, seems like a sign of mental softness. It’s not just the fact of the gaffe. It’s the repetition and context. The Czech Republic gaffe was in front of the ambassador — twice. That’s rude. Get it? Rude. Remember Bush called him on it. Think of embarrassing mistakes you’ve made. Do you repeat them? Do you repeat them three times? Ever?
The Sunni/Shia issue, though, is the most serious. That occurred in prepared remarks. It was worse than a gaffe: McCain revealed there that he’s really been faking it when it comes to foreign policy expertise.
p>Obama’s “57 state” gaffe to which Republicans are fond of pointing is trivial by comparison. Obama meant 57 states and territories. I suppose running in the Puerto Rican primary could be like running in the Wisconsin primary. He corrected himself subsequently, hasn’t repeated it, and there is no sign it indicates a lack of knowledge about U.S. geography.
told people he was on the banking committee recently.
…being in on a cool committee like the “Jet Pack Caucus”.
…whereas McCain calling Putin “President of Germany” is immediately identifiable as a mistake and actually kind of funny.
p>The first read of your Obama quoted prompted me to ask, what the hell is wrong with that statement? Seems fine to me. I had to gig through Google to get at how this related to McCain and his foreign policy mis-speaks. Here’s some context for those curious like me:
that he didn’t think Putin is the President of East Germany.
…beats Prussia.
I’m sure it was just a simple speaking error, like Iraq/Pakistan border…