Mike Capuano doesn’t want members of Congress to post their floor speeches on U-Tube.
Really Mike, I know you are a big man in DC and won a lottery ticket when your pizan Nancy Pelozi got the big prize. I know you are street smart and ivy educated and can run circles around most of the bad haircuts representing the rest of the country in Washington. I know you would have given anything to take Marty Meehan out back.
But Mike, you ain’t as smart as you think you are. Yes your district is the most liberal in the country. Yes many of your constituents identify with socialists and actually push there agenda. (Are you listening Mass Alliance)
There is however a very dark side to socialism. No Room for Dissent. No free speech. Everyone is the same and no room for diversity. Stalin was a Socialist. Castro and Putin still are, although the latter is more like a Winter Hill gang member. Bottom line is “do what you are told and don’t ask questions.”
Please don’t become an embarrassment to this state Mike. As Homer Simpson says “go back to Massachusetts you Commie”. This little manuever of yours is a great example of why people hate us.
BTW what does Barney Frank think of your gag order?
The rules currently bar any member of Congress from posting video of their floor speeches, to quote Capuano, “on any site with commercial or political advertising or to use taxpayer-funded resources to post outside of the House.gov domain.” Capuano’s recommendations would loosen the rules for posting video.
p>Do you have any evidence that he’s incorrect in assessment of the current rules? Do you have any evidence that he “doesn’t want members of Congress to post their floor speeches on U-Tube (sic)”? Nothing in your link supports that claim.
p>The rules need to be loosened, and based on the few details I have of what he proposed, it looks like Capuano’s recommendations don’t go far enough to loosen them. At the same time, it’s irresponsible of you to characterize an attempt to loosen the rules as a “gag order” and tantamount to Stalinism.
My evidence is only what I read, which I linked to.
Evidently there is information out there that negates the story I linked to. I only know what I read and you have given me nothing Greg other than to take your word for it.
Link to what you are talking about. And get the word out.
p>Don’t blame me because Capuano hasn’t defended himself with documented facts.
p>Does Capuano still want to prevent members from posting speeches on U-Tube? If so why?
p>What recommendations has he made to “loosen the rules” as you say?
p>I need more Greg. You gave me nothing. I need facts.
p>If all you read is the story you directly linked to, that is very irresponsible. It contained very little information besides a YouTube spoof. Did you at least read the story that was linked to from your link? That was the story in which Capuano gives the defense from which I quoted.
p>I guess you didn’t even read Capuano’s statement and original letter to Robert Brady before posting this hit piece.
p>The current rules prevent House members from posting videos of floor speeches on any site outside the House.gov domain. Capuano chaired a bipartisan Committee that proposed amending the rules to allow videos to posted on sites outside the House.gov domain, provided the posting met certain guidelines.
p>I don’t know that he wants to prevent members from posting on YouTube. Do you have any hard evidence of that? The guidelines may allow posting on YouTube so long as YouTube doesn’t embed advertisements in the video. What he doesn’t want is taxpayer money funding commercial advertisements or House videos being seen as an implied commercial endorsement.
p>Now, if you think these guidelines don’t do enough to loosen the rules, fair enough. Then make that argument. But to call a loosening of the rules a “gag order” and Stalinist is absurd.
Stalin was NOT a socialist. He was a tyrant and one who became progressively more paranoid and homicidal.
p>But then, I may not know what you mean by “socialist” – can YOU give ME a link?
Gandhi was closer to it than Stalin or Lenin. Frankly, T Jefferson had his moments, too. The whole lot of them in the USSR (and China, by the way) were common dictators who use socialist language. Besides, I can think of a couple fellas who proved that dissension is quite possible without socialism.
and to the extent that Mass Alliance, or the left in Somerville, or whatever is socialist, it is certainly not Stalinist.
For one, it’s paesano. A pizan (pee-zun) is a variation of pisan, or a person from the city of Pisa.
p>Second, you misquoted the great H. Simpson. It’s “go back to Massachusetts
you commie, pinko!”<
95% of the site probably agrees that Capuano’s rules should be more liberal, but when you write a post that’s chalk full of false insinuations, logical fallacies, red baiting, ad hominem attacks, and gratuitous swipes at the City of Somerville, people are going to be turned off. Something written in a more balanced tone, perhaps with the number to call his office and complain, would have been recommended and likely front paged. (The editors are big on the whole open government thing.) Frame your arguments for your audience and you’ll be much more persuasive.
How does one get a pig to pucker its lips before applying lipstick?