The T-shirts have been ordered. The web site is up.
Just as “Yankee” was once a British insult against the colonial rebels, but became a proud nickname – so with Moonbats.
Few may know that the “Moonbat” was once a stealth plane –
Or that some of us take to the term with pride.
For press coverage, go to:…
For the Moonbat website, go to:
The website will have a link to paypal, and the ability to take orders online for the T-shirts once they have arrived. Or, you can post a request for an order form.
All proceeds will go to fund the Arlington Education Enrichment Fund, which provides for programs and grants for students attending public schools in Arlington. Moonbats – fly on.
Besides, it is a glow in the dark moon and a bat, wings spread, flying FREE against that glowing moon.
p>Don’t you wish you could fly, JohnnieD?
Good luck with your sales (you’ll need it). Using the profits for the school funding is an admirable intention and I give you kudos for it.
and wish them the best of luck. Your encouragement means a lot to those dedicated to working to help children.
how much many people dislike Howie Carr. (Many of the comments on the Herald’s article about his hilariously pathetic self-proclaimed “Howie Carr Day” are intensely negative — and that’s at the Herald!) People will buy these t-shirts as a way to annoy him, if nothing else. What goes around comes around.
Some people (maybe you) have to realize that when the amount of people who dislike a celebrity, there is probably an even larger amount of people who will like them. So Howie, Jay, Rush, Bill O, Laura, Ann and many of the other conservative radio/TV personalities may be disliked by thousands, but they will be liked by millions.
p>I’m sure this frosts people’s asses.
without a reference to poopy or butts.
These radio show hosts are so popular that a tiny fraction of society actually listens to them regularly. Sadly, that tiny fraction still makes these shows fairly profitable and in the media spotlight, but don’t confuse that with actual, mainstream popularity.
So the most watched shows on TV or the most popular movies are really NOT very popular if you consider how many ARE NOT watching/listening relative to the entire audience. This is a revelation.
(i) There are tens thousands that like Celebrity X (bawbwa or Rush), (ii) hundreds of thousands who dislike Celebrity X intensely, and listen anyway so as to have things to complain about, and (iii) hundreds of millions who could give two shaving cream cans about Celebrity X and therefore ignore Celebrity X.
p>All it takes is (i) to sustain Rush’s show. (ii) is gravy, but perversely increases the political power wielded by this entertainer, and (iii) is irrelevant to his commercial success or failure.
p>Same goes for bawbwa.
Second, considering how much (i) and (ii) add up to, can you tell me (iii) why no “liberal” talk show can sustain “any” audience and (iiii) why “liberal” politicians are pushing for this “fairness doctrine” to clamp the mouths of Rush and others if only “tens thousands that like Celebrity X”. This equation seems out of whack unless the real answer is these people do in fact have many many fans who do like, do listen to them and do agree with them (IMO).
Same reason conservatives can’t build a sustainable, mature blogosphere. Talk radio (one person in control, outshouting or cutting off any disagreement) is perfect for conservatives. Blogs, especially group blogs (chaotic jabbering and disagreement, with no dominant voice, even when necessary) befits liberals.
I don’t think its as simple as you remark (plus you are just being snarky).
p>There is probably nothing more subjective than opinions about talk radio but I think both sides are often given the chance to talk (except for Keith Oberman who rarely even has anyone on the show to represent the conservatives or Republicans) never mind cut them off.
p>A few weeks ago someone accused me of be part of the RMG page which I had never even heard of. I blogged there for the first time yesterday and noticed they were very active relative to this site. My problem of course is they agree with me on many issues so there is nothing to learn from them. I blogged on a few items but with no point/counter-point, its boring.
p>I think blogs are certainly more for younger people (I don’t think you’ll see Kerry or McCain blogging) so it would make sense that the blogosphere would be more liberal (composed of more wet behind the ears youngsters who are getting slammed with giant tax bills and more up on the pecking order at Hogsworth than the Senate minority and majority leaders). I think history shows this to be true, otherwise so many of the liberal Democratic people who dominate our colleges (90%+) would remain dems and the country would be overwhelmingly Democratic… but it isn’t.
p>Face it, conservative talk shows are just more enjoyable to watch/listen and the younger generation who support liberal causes are listening to music and watching MTV, while the older working crowd wants to hear how the government is going to spend their hard earned money via taxes.
Last month I turned 60. I guess you think 60 is the new 20, right?
p>Deb “younger person” Butler
My mother graduated from college 2 years ago with a BS at the age of 78. She uses her computer almost everyday but I can tell you she is an aberation compared to her contemporaries. So just using computers, never mind participating in blogs is a long stretch for many “non-youngsters”.
p>I was speaking in general terms and I am sticking to what I said. However, being 51 I do agree that 60 is the new 20 which makes me underage.
… our recent blogger get together, I fully expected most people to be my age or younger. In actuality it was probably a 50/50 split. So my admittedly anectdotal experience seems to contradict your set of ‘general terms’. Come to the next one and see for yourself.
I’ll attend.
… right now AFAIK, but I’m sure a bunch of us may be at the concert.
I did one for DKos users last December, we had a blast – email me, the address is in my profile, I’ll happily arrange a party!
Kerry is there quite often, actually, and it’s genuinely him, not a staff member posing as him – his staff is also registered, and they interact with us as well. Kerry’s user id is less than 100, he’s a serious old-time Kossack.
p>McCain, on the other hand, is still wondering how to get online by himself – I’d hide the credit cards, if I was one of his minders, or you might see some outlandish product offerings arriving by UPS at campaign HQ…
Have you ever listened to political talk radio?
p>No matter the politics of the host, whether it be Jeanine Garafalo or Rush, the product is asinine crap. Anyone with a brain cannot bear to listen to such one-sided junk for more than a minute or two.
p>Perhaps there are just more “conservatives” (I use quotes because people that listen to Rush aren’t conservative) who love to while away their time listening to the stuff.
Expect a link from the Moonbat web site to purchse them!
p>Moonbats are energetic, imaginative, productive and capable of flying long distances.
Why actually make them? And they glow in the dark?
…the shirt has received enough light to charge the paint used, which is non toxic and survives many washings.
p>My daughter got a shirt for my husband at one point where the contelations glow in the dark…similar.
p>The bat does not glow, no worries, not a radioactive bat but rather the moon glows, so that “even in darkness there is light”.
There is nothing wrong with showing your pride, but you really need to understand why there is so much animosity towards people who identify with the term “Moonbat”. Its mostly a product of gentrification in my opinion. Imagine living in a neighborhood that was once people from your background and economic means only to be replaced. Then imagine these people taking over the political system and talking down to anyone who disagrees.
p>Imagine trying to have a conversation and having these people yell and scream, call you names and then brag about how they have this degree and that degree. Moonbat hatred comes from the way people act. I know plenty of people who identify with that political thought who are cool, but the problem is for ever 10 people there is 1 who acts so self rightious that you begin to equate all moonbrats with this person.
p>This is why Howie Carr has such a following, its because most middle and lower class people are used to the moonbats treating them as if they are naive cavemen who don’t know better. They are the ones who grew up in places like Somerville who can’t even afford to love in the homes they were born in. Its one class vs the other, sad thing is the ones who are the haves think they know whats best for the have nots.
Moonbats, see our website, are open to multiple views, not yuppies [though we won’t exclude them] and mostly not particularly well to do! But, anyway, fly free, fly far Boris! You too can be a Moonbat if you wish.